Shanty: "The Friday Song"
Reviews from the Juggalos
I'm certain not everyone liked my act, but I am still shocked and amazed that a comedy/juggling act (albeit a dirtier one than my corporate crowd enjoys) was so well accepted by this crowd. let's face it, it is a bit in the "not what I'd expect" category.
So here are the reviews, along with my firm belief that i should remain a professional entertainer for a bit longer. Now I can lay claim to getting laughter and applause at a funeral as well as a Gathering of the Juggalos. Crazy!
From some folks who stopped by the blog...
Insiniak says...
Hey Andy! I just wanted to say, I remembered to find you and hit you up. I caught your show at the Gathering. . . and yea, as a juggalo i will say, you had mad love! Did you see what went down with the lame hypnotist? What was better is that you kept a coolhead during the taunting of balls and sexual acts along with Faygo showers and flying beercans, thats how you earn your wings with our crowd! I got some pictures for ya. . . but they are blurry. I didnt have means to record video sadly. :( i dont have many, but will send you what i have! Hit me up on myspace or something and ill get your email, i included my url.
Anyways, this is way too long now, but i just wanted you to know that you kicked much butt and when you get a FAMILY chant from the juggalo's, your set for life with us. Hopefully you got paid with no fuss ninja! (thats a term of endearment too, lol)
He also e-mailed me those blurry photos and added...
I really enjoyed your show though, your a funny muthafucka and handled yourself very well with such a spontaneous crowd. Anyways, i took the liberty of commenting your blog so your other fans can see that even juggalos love you! lol
nec100 says...
I also witnessed BOTH of your shows at the Gathering this year. I was really impressed on how you kept your cool and even found humor at people throwing stuff at you. I agree that throwing stuff isn't very safe and think that my juggalos and juggalettes get too carried away, but being a juggalo for 16 years, my age is 31, I am pretty use to getting hit in the head by open containers and sprayed with Faygo. Anyway you rocked and loved the humor. Definitely need more people like you to come to the Gathering. Unlike Pauly Shore who after a few jokes and hit on the head he split and said he would never come back. Woop Woop... Anyway that guy's rise to fame was back when everyone watched MTV. YUCK!!!
Let me just say right here...As a lesser-known comic, I always KNEW (or at least HOPED) I was somehow better or funnier than Pauly Shore. Hearing it from someone else adds some much needed vindication in my life.
Juggalo, Bill Kranz, took the time to write me and post some videos from the second show on YouTube, adding...
Hey, here are some videos of you at the Gathering of the Juggalos. There are seven short videos from your second day. You were great and I hope to see you there again next year.
The ongoing audience commentary on these videos is just HYSTERICAL! If you listen closely on the 5th video you can hear an even better review...
Juggalette: "Don't heckle him. He's awesome!" Juggalo: "I wouldn't heckle him."
I also received a couple of clips form that same show from a NamelessNancy Williams and I'm grateful.
The most recent comment I got was an email from Cory Phillips. I enjoyed this one a lot...
Hey, my name is Cory. I was at the gathering of the juggalos this last week. I seen your Saturday and Sunday shows, wanted to tell you that we all loved your act. You were the best act there besides the concerts, no offense. This was also my first year going and I will be there again next year, hope you will as well. Anyway i had to tell all my friends about you and check out your web site as soon as i got home.
Cory Phillips I have also received some requests for collectors cards and the like, as well as MySpace and Facebook friend requests from Juggalos and I continue to find great satisfaction in knowing this, or any audience, found enjoyment in my work. Some entertainers go their whole lives and never get such genuine responses. Thanks again, Juggalos. Labels: 10th gathering of the Juggalos
From Juggalos to Juggalin
Juggalo Gathering: Day Two
After making a decision not to do the plate-spinning act the second day (why give them more targets to aim for?) and taking a little time to write even more comedy material about the event, I went back to the Juggalo Gathering more confident that I could do this show.
I'd been assured and reassured several times from people at the event that I did indeed have a great show on Saturday and knew better what to expect and how to approach the show. If I needed any further validation, I was told many stories about a hypnotist they'd had earlier that day who completely BOMBED, even being heckled BY THE VOLUNTEERS ON STAGE - "I'm not hypnotised, yet. Are you? This sucks!". So I am certain I earned that "FAMILY" chant from the Juggalos.
Let's face it, if I'd have gone in trying to go my happy, corporate show I'd have been crucified by this crowd. so I ended up performing my late-night comedy club blue room version of the show. I dished it out to hecklers better than it was being given. I had relevant commentary about the event, the surrounding area, and the fans. I also provided a lot of dark comedy to match the tone.
The second show went even better than the first in my opinion. I had a captivated crowd for the entire time. Lots of laughs, plenty of cheers and more than enough "WOOP WOOPS" to go around.
Only one bottle being thrown in an attempt to disrupt (or perhaps add) to the rola-bola trick I perform. The bottle didn't even make it to the stage, hitting a tent pole long before coming my way. In classic "Andy's a smart ass" fashion, I commented, "I don't want to egg you guys on, but to the guy who threw the bottle and missed...YOU FUCKED UP!". This brought about some great laughs and a chant from the Juggalos towards the bottle-thrower.
I had Sunday's show in the bag by my best estimation.
I have no way to prove this, but I had a few folks tell me I may have been the first guy on stage to tell the Juggalos that they fucked up...and survived. Juggalo history made. LMAO!
All in good fun!
There was no Faygo or other liquids splattered upon me, but I do have some props that are now permanently stained by...GWAR blood! Photos some other time.
Truthfully, any videos sent to me by Juggalos will look great on YouTube, but won't be suitable to my promo...or corporate work...or agents...or children...or anyone. However, they will be fun for me to watch and fun for me to remember the great time I had meeting the Juggalos. I'll also share some photos & reviews from the event as the Juggalos find me and forward them to me.
WOOP, WOOP! Labels: 10th gathering of the Juggalos
Juggalo Gathering - Day One
I am shocked to learn that there are still "firsts" left for me in this world.
Yesterday marked the first time where the audience yelled and swore at me, told me I sucked, & threw tons of crap at me while on stage. AFTERWARDS the sound guy & stage manager came up and (without humor or irony, mind you) said, "Man, they fukin' LOVED YOU! You're act easily went over the best of all the acts on this stage that didn't involve naked chicks." Even got a "FAMILY" chant from the Juggalos. I take it this is good?
All told, big fun in an odd way. The show today will end up being a bit shorter than yesterday's simply because it is too dangerous to spin plates and have bottles thrown at me at the same time. There are fun things about the Juggalo crowd. When you make a mistake (whether it be me or someone on stage) a huge chant of "You fucked up! You fucked up!" emerges from the crowd. I knew to expect this one and figured it was not much different from a large crowd of drunks at a comedy club. Maybe a little louder.
Things I wasn't ready for? Well the ladies oil wrestling after the show was something of a treat for me I guess. Would have liked more action, but it was very hot and humid so I can understand taking longer in between matches.
I would have liked some of the topless women to put tops back on, while others to have taken them off. Of course, this is a matter of personal taste.
I suppose I could do without the throwing of objects on stage. After all, I'm not a band and therefore not necessarily used to that sort of thing, even though I've been told it was something of a term of endearment this time around. The problem is I am juggling knives and eating fire so that makes it not only a danger to me, but everyone involved.
I can conclude that the majority of the Juggalos are very fun and friendly folks. There is a sense of solidarity among them, different from the fans of other bands. It isn't like mainstream radio stations are putting the Insane Clown Posse on heavy rotation or anything. So these folks FOUND this music and made a connection to it as well as found friends with whom they can relate. I believe that this is different from the fans of the Grateful Dead, Phish, Dave Matthews, and KISS in a big way.
I can also assume that the food is better here than at a Dead show, the music is louder than at Ozz Fest, and the ladies are MUCH easier to talk to than those bitches at Lilith Faire. Seriously, just TRY getting Sarah MacLaughlin to oil wrestle.
I am looking forward to my last show here. I am hopeful NOT to get hurt and equally hopeful to get paid. I am very happy to have met the folks I have, some of whom were genuinely interested in watching my show, even if I wasn't EXACTLY what they expected when reading "MAD Juggler at the FREAK SHOW TENT" in their program.
And I must make a correction. It is not "WOOT!" It is "WOOP, WOOP!" Big difference. Ask a Juggalo to explain it to you. Better yet, ask a Juggalette! Labels: 10th gathering of the Juggalos
Going to Juggle for Some Juggalos
Heading off to Illinois tomorrow for the 10th Annual Gathering of the Juggalos.
I will be performing Saturday at 2:30 PM and Sunday at 4:00 PM
Hope to see some you there.
WOOT! Labels: 10th gathering of the Juggalos