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Thursday, December 08, 2016

A Stupid Story About John Glenn, By Andy Martello

From Andy Martello's Stupid Stories About Famous People (John Glenn)

"Not being very politically-minded at the time, I struggled to see anyone I could identify. I recognized Senator John Glenn immediately for a couple of reasons, neither of which had to do with politics. First, my parents never stopped making us aware of every damn famous person Ohio ever produced. They were both from the Buckeye State, and never lost a bit of pride about it. Seriously, I cannot tell you how many times they mentioned a politician, sports figure, author, inventor, or entertainer in casual conversation because they were from Ohio. Second, I’m geek! John Glenn was the first damned American man to orbit the Earth for God’s sake! There was a Mercury astronaut right in front of me! How the hell did I get lucky enough to be in the same room with John Glenn, much less shake his hand?

I had no choice but to remain in character and keep the light-hearted hilarity flowing in the room. As he approached the escalator I kept shaking in my oversized shoes. John f’ing Glenn was heading my way. I’m certain he was walking in slow motion, and the music from The Right Stuff was playing in the background, but in reality none of that happened. He made it to the escalator, and I introduced myself. He smiled and humored me. Thinking about my parents and how elated they would be to hear I met John Glenn, I greeted him as “A nice Ohio boy” which prompted him to ask if I was from Ohio. I told him about my parents and their admiration of him. I took the opportunity to make a joke before sending him down to the banquet. “So . . . what have you done with yourself since orbiting the Earth? Anything good?” He laughed and said, “Well, I am a U.S. Senator.” I smiled and said, “So, nothing? Ah, well, we still love you. Since you’ve already come down so far, go a little further down these stairs and follow the signs.” Glenn laughed, shook my hand again, and wished me a good night."

Rest in Peace, Senator Glenn. You were a true American hero and we need more men like you today.

#andymartello #johnglenn

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Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Stupid Stories About Famous People and Here's Your Host! NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

COMING SOON! Stupid Stories About Famous People and Here's Your Host!

The new books by 
Andy Martello

Andy Martello's Stupid Stories About Famous People
Andy Martello's Here's Your Host!
Insights and Interviews with Game Show Greats

Both Out December 2016

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So THAT Happened.  :)

2016 Best Author as named by the Las Vegas Review-Journal

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Monday, August 15, 2016


The King of Casinos AUDIO BOOK!

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Monday, November 02, 2015

OUTSTANDING Review for "Pretty Words. Nothing More."

" A short and simple book of poetry that still packs an emotional punch, Andy Martello’s Pretty Words. Nothing More. An Unlikely Book of Poetry is a brief collection that depicts love, loss, and longing. As the poet describes in the foreword, this project originated as a series of Facebook posts that included poems following along with accompanying images. A future edition of the work will include original artwork. Martello hopes that the reader will focus on the words alone in this edition, which create a feeling that titillates the senses. The poems inside are more or less one long poem separated by breaks, telling the story of a man and a woman, and the passion they share, and the loss that can be present when problems arise between two people who feel so thoroughly connected. The kinds of feelings that come about because of love and lust are certainly complicated, and Martello does a good job of expressing all of the different emotions that we as humans face through his poems.
Martello is clearly a talented writer, as even from the small amount of content that is within the pages of this book, it is obvious that he has a way with words. His poetic verses are succinct, but still powerful. Focusing on duality, and a seemingly singular relationship between a man and a woman, returning to it through different lenses again and again, the reader will find themselves speeding through this book. This is the way poetry should be, playing with assumptions and turning them on their heads, not over wringing out words repeatedly to create something completely unknown, but something new instead. The only problem about this collection is that we wish it was longer."

Red City Review

Get your copy today!

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Meet the Author, Andy Martello at Carrie Ann Lahain's Blog!

Many thanks to author Carrie Ann Lahain for showcasing me at her lovely blog!

Carrie reviewed my first book at her blog some time back and I am now the first in her "Meet the Author" series.

I highly recommend not only her blog and books, but I encourage other authors to contact her since she is so generously offering her time and bandwith to showcase other authors. It is a fun, simple, and free way to get your work out there as well as meet another excellent author.

Buy Carrie Ann Lahain's books HERE!

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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Amazon Review of The King of Casinos: Well-written and thought-provoking!

"Well-written and thought-provoking, Andy Martello has effortlessly combined humor and history to shed light on one of the most fascinating yet obscure eras of our nation." 

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