Want Free Stuff?
Welcome to everyone from all the various freebies & giveaway sites and bulletin boards out there. Please take a look around and actually read some of the things here. I'm happy to send out goodies, but I'm even happier to send it out to epeople who have been enjoying my work.
If you're just here to get something for nothing, then please head HERE & follow the instructions on how to receive a free Andy Martello Collector's Card. It's easy. I'll give you a hint...You e-mail me and ask nicely for one and I'll send it out. If you want all the goodies found here (or whatever I still have in stock) you have to follow the instructions below.
I would like to remind you all, I am looking for Andy Land fans to send me some fan sign snapshots. There seems to be far too much confusion about what a fan pic really is. Just sending me a photo of yourself or a penguin, no matter how adorable you both are, doesn't make it a fan pic. Sure some of the Penguini Posse have those types of photos represented, but regular readers know exactly what they did to receive their goodies.
I've already provided a link to one series of fan pics, but to make it even easier, click HERE, or HERE, or how about HERE!
Why should you take a snapshot of yourself holding a fan sign? Because I'll send you a present!
Yep, take a snapshot of you holding an Andy Martello fan sign and send it to me and I'll send you an Andy Martello collector's trading card!
Post the shots at your own blog along with a link to this site or my main website and I'll send you a CD of some of my favorite versions of Louie Louie.
Think of it. TWENTY FIVE different versions of the world's most useless song all for yourself!
(CD is for Archival and Novelty Purposes only and is NOT to be SOLD! I've got enough problems without some angry musicians and their lawyers on my ass!).
Lastly, if the fan pic you post at your blog somehow manages to feature either a penguin (or some penguin reference or theme) or a lovely hot lady in lingeire(OK, that's just me & some wishful thinking) you may well receive this adorable 7" Penguin plush toy!
How can you go wrong with that? Take a fan pic, throw a penguin in there and BOOM! You have a penguin of your very own to clutter up your cubicle. Sounds like a winner to me!
Truth be told, I'll probably send you any or all of this crap regardless. I just want the fan pics and the extra traffic.
More importantly, I'm just that insecure about my fan base that I just want regular readers and true believers to send in some fan pics for the fun of it all.
There are a few things to realize here.
- You also have to send me your mailing address! Otherwise I can send you neither Jack nor shit!
- Also understand that I'm not made of cash! So please, one item per customer. If you want to upgrade and take better or naughtier shots later I'm sure we can work something out (Heh!).
- If you post pics to your own website or blog, keep them up for at least a week so I can reap the benefits of a little extra traffic. Of course, you can keep them up forever if you'd like. Lord knows I'll be keeping them up here for a long time.
- Lastly, this is all based upon availability of supplies and goodies as well as my own amount of time to dedicate to this nonsense. I'd love to make this a lifetime thing, but who knows how long I'll be writing or performing, much less blogging. I guess I'm saying I can send out whatever I want to whomever I want or send nothing at all. But for now...When the toys run out or I'm so sick of this crap that I can't see straight anymore...GAME OVER!
Is it over??? I just love those penguins!
12:25 PM
I've still got some Penguinis if you've got a fan pic to post and/or send along. ;)
5:12 PM
Hey Andy...Can I adopt the rest of your Penguinis? I promise to give them a good home....hell, I'll treat 'em like FAMILY! :)
7:18 PM
Ahh Tess, all the Penguinis have found their homes. If any strays come up I'll be sure to think of ya. ;)
10:38 PM
You are too cute!
7:26 PM
Awww shucks! I do what I can. :)
9:34 PM
Have you gotten any more penguins yet and how would you feel about a fan picture of a scantily clad penguin in lingerie?
1:08 AM
I am all out of the Flying Penguini Juggling Kits, but I still have one or two of the stuffed penguins you see in the photo.
Penguins in lingerie, so long as they are also Andy Land fan sign pics, are certainly rockin'. Check out the latest fan pic sent to me by Tigers Kitten (In the Penguini Posse section and in the January 2007 posts).
6:18 AM
Ok, I'm working on my pic. You really want a pic of a grandmother showing her boobs, huh? You've got it sweetie!
7:27 AM
I can't get over how fixated everyone else is on the breasts thing. All my life I've heard about how us men are breast-obsessed and it turns out that I am the one who clearly states over and over that breast & cleavage pics are not really necessary.
Click on any of the examples of fan pics and what do ya see? No breasts. Yet, everyone can't get past the request I jokingly made for scantily clad hotties.
Cosmic...send what ya want. Understand I'll post anything I receive and if you want all the goodies you have to post it and link back as well. There must be some mention of how much I rock and there must be a link. The breasts, grandmotherly or otherwise, are optional.
7:56 AM
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