Audrey Hepburn, Samson the Gorilla, Deni Bonet, & Other Andy News
It seems my very first Random Celebrity Memory about Audrey Hepburn has been linked within a post at the Audrey Hepburn Message Board. I can't say if any of the fans enjoying my little memoir are planning on checking out any other posts here, but I can say that I'm happy to have the traffic. I'm just sorry I didn't have any photos of her to share.You may remember that some time back I was contacted by writer, Judith Ann Moriarty, regarding Samson the Gorilla and his long-time handler, Sam LaMalfa. You may also recall my article, "Samson" from The Cheers and the story of what proved to be quite possibly my fondest childhood memory. If you don't recall any of this then click the damn links already and get caught up. I'll wait. [SIGH!] You ready? Good.
In any event, the piece she was writing about Samson's "afterlife" for Milwaukee Magazine came out in the February 2006 issue and she was kind enough to mention me by name!
This was a cool little article about what happened to Milwaukee's most famous simian resident after his death in 1981. I wish it were longer, but then again, I'm unusually fascinated with Samson, and exceedingly pleased she thought to mention me.
I'll include a snapshot of the orange she references and hope you read the story I wrote for a better explanation as to why I have a shriveled orange. If you'd like to read the entire article I recommend you order an issue from Milwaukee Magazine. I could be convinced to e-mail you a scan if you promise not to tell anyone. SHHH!
I've sent out a press kit and DVD to the folks at the Bob & Tom show. My brother was kind enough to download the slice of the show where I was mentioned & it made me think that there was certainly no harm in sending along some promo. Who knows?E-Pauly, aside from offering many insights into why men like women's breasts so much, has linked to this week's Ten Things Tuesday post and I thank him for the boost. I should send him some of my manly thoughts about breasts. I'm sure he'd appreciate another view. We all like different views of breasts.
UPDATE! 1:17 PM!
I did in fact send a short column to Paul last night and he was kind enough to post it today. So if you've ever wondered, "Hey, I wonder what a man about town like Andy Martello really thinks about a woman's breasts," then you should head over to read the previously unpublished work, The Big & Little On Breasts.
Gordon always has something nice to say about me and I can't say enough about him. Mostly because I don't know much about him. However, his blog does a most excellent job of helping anyone learn more about the guy and I read it most every day. As always, thanks for the many plugs, Gordon.
I'm not sure if Chris figured it out or not, but the Mighty Blonde One herself claims to have linked my blog in her blogroll. If this is the case I can not only thank her, but return the favor. She's also a resident of the Blogworld Trailer Park. This, plus the blonde thing should explain everything to you perfectly. Please take some time to check out, "So This is Life?"Seems like I'm in the spotlight a lot this week. However, did you know that I'm quite literally "In the Spotlight" at Deni Bonet's blog? Well then, you'd better check out her most excellent blog and see for yourself.
Deni is quite possibly my all-time favorite, multi-talented, fun & quirky, violinist from New York. What? YOU don't have a favorite? Well that's just one more reason to read Last Girl on Earth. While you're there, be sure to check out her main site, buy some of her CDs and videos and see why she's way more successful in this business than I'll ever be, if not that much cooler!
Labels: Milwaukee County Zoo, Milwaukee Public Museum, Sam LaMalfa, Samson the Gorilla
I made an attempt at hunting down that slice of the Bob and Tom show (which, sadly, I didn't hear until well after your name was mentioned) but couldn't seem to find anything on their site that wasn't poised to bilk me out of money that I don't have.
10:59 PM
No biggie, Marty spent the $7.00 to download. Had I checked to see if it cost anything I'd have told him to forget it. LOL!
I'll have to get some sort of editing thingamabob so I can just cut out my part and maybe post it somewhere for all of my "fans". Both of them.
11:06 PM
No prob - of course, head to my blog and you can ask any question to get to know me better.
And I'm not even sure Bob & Tom are present here in STL - will have to check out the local media listings.
4:05 AM
I'd have to e-mail you with questions, Gordon. I still can't access your comments window. Something fooked up with Haloscan pop-ups my computer doesn't like. That's why I end up commenting about your blog here and hot there.
11:35 AM
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