Holiday Penguin Recap
When you are known for enjoying penguins it follows that people will send you various penguin items, especially during the holidays. Thankfully, most of my friends know that just ANY penguin item will NOT do and therefore they tend not to overload me with penguins, but will opt to send a lovely penguin card instead. That is always acceptable in my book because A) The thought is lovely, and B) I throw away cards after the holidays (Sorry kids. I'm not that sentimental).
Since the holidays are now over and you are al clamoring for something to cheer you up (why the hell would you come here for that?) I thought I'd share the penguin cards and other items that arrived in my home this holiday season.First off are some of the newest additions to the family. Here we have a silly rubber penguin. It was part of a bigger gift. Behind him are three hand-carved soapstone penguins I purchased Tuesday (in our post New Year's celebration) when April and I went to the Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art. Incidentally, this museum is just breathtaking. Beautiful stuff there and a steal at four bucks for admission. You can't see the detail or the colors well with my little digital snapshot, but you get the idea.
Next we have some penguin pajamas which were sent to me by my Older, Wiser Brother. I already had a pair of these, but I was wanting to buy one or two more as I tend to get a few pairs of penguin jammies when I see them. That way I'll have them much longer then if I had a single pair. So it was a funny gift to open on Christmas and very appropriate. As you know, I already have quite a few penguin jammies, but you can never have too many, right?
On Christmas Day, Christine sent me a link to a story about penguins marching their way to the Golden Globes.No good penguin-related post would be complete without a mention of the mighty Golfwidow. She sent this lovely card to EVERYONE SHE KNOWS. Ok, so I'm not special. She, of course felt it necessary to tell me that everyone got this card so I share that tidbit with you now. Meh, at least the card is way cool, right?
Two cards came from relatively "new" sources this year. The card on the left came from Mike, my newest friend. We met because of the whole dart store thing and have been meeting regularly to play ever since. Great fun. The one on the right came from Andy, April's cousin (short for Andrea) and her new hubby, Charlie. These are both cool cards, indeed.
The next two cards came from ladies named Sue.
This one came from my mother-in-law, Sue. This is a rather adorable card to be sure. However, as with many great things, it's what's inside that counts. Take note of the penguin in the middle. That penguin is also featured inside the card. Since Sue has rather a good sense of humor she thought it necessary to mention a little something about that penguin's "deformity".
We laughed at that for a few days.

Sue sent me a lovely card, a stuffed penguin, and a cute penguin ornament, all in a penguin gift bag.
The cool ornament is a city scene painted on glass. Inside the glass is a penguin with a snowman. It is almost too cute in that Christmas kind of way. I liked it because it had glitter on it. Most of our ornaments are relatively glitter-free and that's just not right. ;)
I think she wants me to come to Iowa and shuck her corn. Either way, it was a most excellent surprise and it made me smile.

I love penguins because they're so comfortable with their sexuality. They're like the Britney Spears of the animal kingdom, but without the crotch shots.
2:58 AM
You don't have to shuck my corn, Andy... just come fix my computer. *sigh*
p.s. I saw those jammies, too, but didn't want to guess your size... :)
5:34 AM
Wow! A discriminating penguin collector. Who would have thunk it?
Love the penguin stuff!
5:54 AM
Hey Jesse,
Thanks for stopping by. How did you come to find this blog?
LOVE your website. Good to see another comic in da house. We should talk shop or whatever it is that comedians talk about (probably pot & porn).
If you'd like to do a link exchange let me know.
9:42 AM
the penguin jammies rock, andy!
one podcast annoyance? no fast forward! I listened to half of it yesterday and now the only way to hear the last half is to listen to it over again from the beginning, and by then my boss will be back from lunch and I'll have to turn it off again. DAMMIT!
9:44 AM
I haven't sent our Christmas cards in at least two years. I didn't get very many either this year, I wonder if people think I'm dead.
If you listen to the podcast from the pod-o-matic website, you can fast forward it. I had to do that too. Real Porn Audio sounds even funnier in high high pitched tones.
"Get me a glass"
11:52 AM
Most impressive collection. Love the jammies.
12:35 PM
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