Obligatory Year In Review: Gigs
As is customary around this time of year, I feel like taking some time to reflect upon 2008. What's different about this post in comparison to other "year in review" posts? I waited until the year was completely over before even working on the thing!
This being the first full calendar year that April and I have been living in Las Vegas, I feel it deserves a bit more scrutiny than years past. We both got very complacent in the Chicago area after making it our home for so many years and i generally didn't look at my time there the same way i have looked upon every day I've lived here.
I wasn't scared out of my mind about what every day brought me in Chicago. Familiarity bred that sort of attitude I guess. Remembering how freaked out I was in general about the storm, the move, the desire to continue working as an entertainer I can see that life in Chicago was actually very good for me.
I didn't realize it at the time, but as it happened I was one of the busiest jugglers and comedians out there. All the time I spent fretting about "no work" cannot compare to time spent actually having NO WORK. Since moving out here I told myself that if I can get at least ONE gig a month for the first couple of years I'd save hope that I can get the full-time business back. ONE GIG! There were not many months in Chicago where I didn't have several gigs a month. Sometimes they showed up all too last minute for my tastes, but they were there. I've managed to get that one gig out here and in some months, as many as 4 or 5, so I cannot help but be hopeful for better things.
The political TV Commercial
for FDAConcerns.com.
I wouldn't have been able to pay bills that
month nor would I have ever been in...

(And Advertising Age, The Wilson Times, The News & Observer, and numerous blogs)

I was a featured performer at the Miss Rodeo America Pageant as well as one of the acts at the Magic and Miracles Benefit at the House of Blues in Anaheim. Video of both of those performances will be available as soon as I can get them sent to me.
I have begun work on that super-secret project that I cannot quite talk about yet. Technically I can talk about it since the guy I'm replacing now knows about my existence and my partner has begun telling agents about the new partnership. However, until the video, photos, and new website are up I shouldn't say much about it right now.
All that being said, nothing prohibits me from linking to a website and letting you know I may be taking on the role of one of the two people in this act [COUGH! COUGH! -Spike- COUGH!]. It is already a much funnier and more edgy act than in the video and that makes me very excited.
Let's just say I plan on being VERY busy this year.
I also scored some bookings from new clients and agencies that I have been marketing to religiously since arriving here. I have been actively advertising and getting my name "out there". I was featured in an ad for Trade Show Lifestyles Magazine and placed ads in the Yellow Pages and other publications. If all goes well, work as a solo performer and as part of a team should be coming in in 2009 and that makes me very happy indeed.
Next time: Places I Visited in 2008.
Labels: Andy Martello in Advertising Age, Andy Martello in the New York Times, Andy Martello in Trade Show Lifestyles Entertainer, Andy Martello TV Commercial, Miss Rodeo America Pageant
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