The Second Wave of Promotion Has Begun
Well sort of.
I still don't have the second of three brochures printed, but I did get the second of three DVDs made.
These are the front and inside covers for the DVD. This particular DVD is not as in depth as my first one, the "general" DVD. Naturally the kick ass photos from last year's amazingly productive photo session look fantastic. I'm also working very hard to make everything match. The DVD layouts will match the brochures, and eventually the website will match the rest of it and so on. branding baby!
What's different about this DVD is that the clips are representations of "complete" acts and are of much longer clips. Where the general DVD features clips at the 30 seconds to 2 minutes time frame, this one has only 7 clips in total and most of those are 5 to seven minutes in total. They are also of a tad more recent footage.Ultimately these may end up on my website, but for now the DVD serves a couple of purposes. For one, it provides the potential client a better and more complete view of my stage act. Most people don't have the time to watch a full 45-minute show, but if they like what they have seen in the first DVD, they can request to see more and still have some convenience when it comes to the amount of time spent watching footage. This DVD also doubles as my "comedy" sampler. I know that all my stuff is comedy-based, but I've told you before how difficult it is to get someone to see my act as a comedy act more than a juggling act, even though I am much funnier than I am anything else.
The next step is to create the Plate-Spinning Only DVD which will help push the act into the corporate training market even more. Yes, I know it would be even cooler to have just ONE DVD featuring everything. The thing is, they kind of already DO feature everything. The nature of this business forces me to state and restate the obvious in different and prettier packages to different people. Having the three DVDs and the three brochures also makes for a more impressive press package and provides me the opportunity to market a few times more during the year while giving the impression of new and exciting things coming from Andy Land.
OK, you got me. It also takes way more time to make the one massive DVD on my computer than it does to make the three smaller ones. The goal for next year is to put together the best of the best and mass produce one killer DVD for the comedy & variety markets and one specifically pushing the plate-spinning. Until then, making them as needed on my personal computer works fine for me.I've already seen some positive interest in the act and good responses to the new promotional brochure. I've seen an increase in activity from my Gigmasters listing, which has all new photos and reflects my new, "A Comedian Who Happens to Juggle" approach. The first brochure, cover letter, and yes, my postage stamp, helped get some interest from Clean Comedians, a group I've always wanted to work with over the years. They responded to my website 7 years ago, but the follow-up materials didn't seem to impress them enough. This time they contacted me after receiving my first installment of new goodies and wanted to see more. This provided the motivation to finish this second DVD a little sooner than planned. Here's hoping the new marketing materials do their job even more!
So for those keeping score...
One of three brochures printed.
Two of three DVDs created.
New souvenir card printed.
Postage Stamps...a great find and a fun experiment. Damn they're cool.
Still missing...
New website.
5 minute overview of my main act and my comedy act.
I think all the materials you've been putting together is a GREAT idea - but it sounds like lots of work. Hope your hard work is rewarded - GREATLY (as in, loads of work!).
I keep trying to tell people here we need to hire a "funny juggler" to make life more bearable, but so far, no takers. Doesn't mean I'll stop trying~~~
7:29 AM
"clean" comedian?
well, maybe you can fool them, but I think we all know better. ;)
9:53 AM
Well, when I'm not in the clubs or on the podcast...then I'm a clean comedian.
10:11 AM
Have you ever had a plate, or all the plates come crashing down during a show?? Of course that would be awful, but it might be funny in the telling of the story.
9:19 PM
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