Just a Concept. I May Never Use This.

take-offs on "Got Milk?" for years.
Why not some Sopranos-inspired promo?
That one is probably "too scary" for the family buyers.
I'll likely do this slightly different version and use it
only for the corporate comedy, theatres, and clubs.

and my photographer together and do a bunch
of semi-Sporanos style ads with the tag,
"Family. Unrefined."
No correct guesses on yesterday's contest.
So I'm keeping it alive until the 18th.
Surely someone can figure out the answer.
I love "Family - Unrefined."
But then, I also once wrote a very bad takeoff called "Altos". The tagline was "Curiously Strong Mobsters."
So I am nobody's judge.
6:11 AM
this is great. i like the "family unrefined" too though. the play on family is good!
6:34 AM
I like both redefined and unrefined. using either depending on the situation.
8:47 AM
I'm putting the Comedy one in my new comedy brochure and shelving the Family Entertainment one for now. I didn't want to be TOO much like the Sopranos one "Family. Redefined." But I think most people can tell it is a parody ad more than anything.
However I still think the photo and concept is "too scary" for the family market. Most people just don't get it ya know.
I am certainly doing "Family. Unrefined" for the Vegas Brothers. We need all new photos anyway, especially since one of the Brothers has mysteriously and rather permanently disappeared. Regardless, I got so many great photos from this gal I know I can get the same effects with a simple shoot featuring the rest of the boys.
9:16 AM
I thought that that was part of the ninja kid show survival kit.
Glenn Bishop
12:33 PM
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