Time for Some Links and Some Plugs
Check out the final installment of the "Weekend of Ill-Conceived Notions" podcast. There's a whole lot of funny happening there. In fact, you just may need to reread my Podcast Primer to get the full picture this time around. I know the mighty Golfwidow and I are gearing up for some new recordings soon.
You should most definitely buy a copy of her new book, "Getting My Think On." I was fortunate enough to receive an advance .pdf copy and what I've read has been outstanding. Of course it may take me years to finish reading the whole thing because I'm such a lousy reader. That's OK. She's such a great writer I know it will be worth all the effort.
Many thanks to Greg Burgas of the most excellent Delenda Est Carthago blog. He plugged my Halloween Costume list as well as my post about Evil Dead, The Musical. The traffic is always appreciated.
I didn't get to meet Pammy in Peoria the other night, which was most unfortunate. Not only did she miss a most excellent show, but she didn't get all the cool free stuff I was going to give her. Ah well. You can't plan a family emergency. Another time.Mark Englebretson, of the Nevada Casino Ashtray Project, was kind enough to plug my El Rey section of this blog. I've had a few hundred folks clicking away via the link he put up at The Chip Board, a bulletin board for casino chip collectors and lovers of all things gaming. I'm hopeful some of these visitors will leave a comment or at least have some memorabilia to sell.
I got my book! I got my book! *cheering wildly* I've not had time to even open it! Grrrr... *collapsing in tears*
5:05 AM
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