Gig Ups & Downs
Today I am doing something relatively pointless and stupid (an audition) before I go and do something genuinely fun (a real paying gig).
I'm heading down to Navy Pier to audition for America's Got Talent 2. I am sure you remember my previous post about that show and others like it. Therefore you know that I've really no belief that I'll get on the show nor do I feel all that this program will be "the big one" if I did get on. I'm going because I was contacted by the producers and at least two talent coordinators directly asking me to go and I figure that it can't hurt to give it a try. It can only remind me of why I tend not to go to these things in the first place. Best case scenario: I get on, have Hasselhoff ridicule me, but I'd get a good video of me on national TV.
Besides, were it not for my gig later this evening, I'd have nothing to do other than clean the apartment or work on new marketing. I do have all those cool photos to go through, ya know.
Regardless of the outcome of today's auditions (I KNOW the outcome already...I won't get on...And don't give me any crap about positive attitudes and all that...You don't know this business, mmmmkay?) I can feel great about a gig I had on Friday.
I won't go into major specifics, but I was to perform for a group of kids & their families who truly NEEDED to have a good time more often than they get to in their daily lives. These kids all had a common blood disease among them and depending upon the severity of the disease, the relative "normal" lives that we all get to enjoy is anything but normal for them. One guy at the party found out THAT WEEK that in all likelihood he wouldn't be alive to celebrate Thanksgiving this year and it was my job to get him on his feet to laugh and dance. He, along with all of the kids and families danced their asses off, laughed out loud the whole night, and had a great time. I will go into the details at a later date.
For now, I will think about that show instead of the audition and national exposure promised by the folks at America's Got Talent 2. I'll also remind myself that I've made a living in this business for longer than most people have tried to get an act together. If I focus on the damned audition and the forthcoming rejection I just may start to focus on the fact that I have all but two damned bookings this November and get very, VERY down on myself. I'd much rather think about the good things.Keeping with that thought, I'll post a link to one of my entertainment stories that always seems to connect with people and bring me to a happier place. If you've not read "Good Show" before, please enjoy it today. If you'd like a similar piece to read, please read "Out of the Mouths of Babes".
MAYBE I'll tell you about the audition tomorrow. Somehow I doubt I'll give much more than a second thought.
I'm a realist myself, so I at least hope that you didn't have to stand around and wait too much, and that it was funny enough to make a good story.
10:46 PM
Good luck at the audition. Do you ever get heartburn eating fire?
7:25 AM
You're such a sweetie...
9:41 AM
I truly hate auditions. And I'm with you. It's hard to feel positive about them. Sorry about your slow month. My season is just getting ready to kick in .
3:45 PM
I actually hope it's quite cold. That way you can make friends and influence people: bribe them with fire.
1:23 AM
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