What's That? Andy Articles at Malicious Bitch? NO WAY!!!
Yes indeed, I have added a few chunks of Andy history into the fine pages of Malicious Bitch. It has been a long time since I sent them anything and I must apologize to all of my fans (both of them) for the absence. I've been in something of a writing funk lately and even adding past works into MBC has seemed like a pointless endeavor. However I realized I had a couple of Santa columns in the hopper and thought it would be good to share them with the MBC readers.
I'd like to write more for MBC and will do what I can to get off my ass and write. It would be cool if MBC were more like a paper magazine with deadlines and new issues on specific dates. I can't really tell who's reading or when they're tuning in for new content or anything like that and it feels awkward to me. In any event, I'll try to get more in there in case you are one of the regular readers.
So please check out Tales From Andy Land: The Column, at Malicious Bitch and read two stories about why I rarely (if ever) take on gigs as Santa Claus. Those columns are...
WANTED: Old, Fat Man in Red Suit - A story explaining why the in-home Santa visit SHOULD be cause for alarm among suburbanites...but isn't.Bad Santa? Bad PARENTS! - This one explains why so many parents are Major League Assholes in tacky holiday sweaters around holiday season. That particular column makes reference to a photo of me (as Santa) with a couple of kids at a shopping center. I shared this with you last year here at the blog and at The Cheers. But since I can't upload photos at MBC I thought I'd add it here again and you can get a better idea of the frustration of the moment.
Don't forget that you can also read "The Christmas Miracle" at the prestigious Riverwalk Journal all throughout the holiday season. Already read my crap? Then recommend it to your friends who are in dire need of some entertaining literature (AKA, my crap).
Andy we're so out of synch. You've been writing your ass off, and well, i might add. I've been too busy to read or write. Now u make me feel guilty becasue I haven' put anything on MBC since, since, Oh hell I don't know when. I'm going on the road again and not sure when I'll be back in my rhythm. I'll try to catch up. I did see some great penguins in Orlando the other day. Maybe some pics later.
3:40 PM
Don't feel too bad, Bud. These two articles are reprints from The Cheers. So really I didn't write anything new, I merely updated and submitted something old.
I've written a lot for my blog and I've left a few lengthy comments at Doyle's and Christine's blogs, but I haven't really written antyhing all that new in some time.
I'll be reworking my smoking rant for a column soon. But really, nothing new around here.
5:14 PM
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