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Friday, October 21, 2005

Why Would ANY Self-Respecting Penguini Go to Iowa?

After Sue posted an Andy Land fan pic (you remember...the one I made FOR HER!), she "earned" her prize of a Flying Penguini Juggling Kit.

Naturally, once the Penguinis found themselves in new surroundings, they immediately started causing problems. In this case, they did what anyone would do if they found themselves trapped in Iowa...they tried to escape!

This is merely a composite of the entire photographic saga. For more details, please check out The Torn Pages.

My personal favorite of the photos is this one, with the caption, "Penguini tried to blend in with their surroundings".

Enjoy your Penguinis, Sue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next thing ya know--penguinis will be running rampant all across the us with a cigar in one flipper and a bottle of booze in the other... ;)

11:07 PM


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