Photos and Graphics On File
Looking through my hard drive I found a few pics and images here and there that I saved for one reason or another. Many of them provide me with a memory of saving them, but no real memory as to why I saved them.
What's that? You want examples? Why SURE!Here you find a most excellent photo of the shrine/sculpture commemorating the Masters of the Impossible, Siegfried & Roy. This can be found in front of the Mirage in Las Vegas and I believe I found this particular photo at the She's Krafty blog.
I have vague recollections of wanting to incorporate this photo into a post about fan letters. I can't remember for sure.
Sacha (Major blog crush!) may have taken this photo herself and if that is the case, please go to her blog and tell her how much she rocks. She hasn't taken too many photos of late and I feel she needs to get her eye focusing through the old shutter again.I can only assume I saved this next photo for my own personal reasons. I mean really, it has just about everything you'd need to get a good fetish-whack going. School girl outfits, legs, asses, panties, acrobatics not found in any bedroom I visit - it is a good photo.
However I seem to recall thinking that this would be a good photo to accent some column I never wrote for The Cheers or Malicious Bitch, or even Eklektikos. If I ever remember the subject of that column, I'll be sure to use that photo.
Speaking of Eklektikos, here's something kind of cool.Jonathan Rosillo, photographer, graphics guy, and fellow contributor to The Cheers and Eklektikos originally was going to do all of the design work and graphics stuff for Eklektikos. There was some sort of creative disagreement and his designs never saw the light of day.
This was meant to be the background for all Andy Martello columns. I'm not all that sure if I was supposed to see it before the mag went live (and then went dead) but if he wants to sue me or something, I'm worth about eighteen bucks. Either way it looks cool and would make a good blog skin, actually.
Did someone say "blog skin"?
Some time back, after Bitchitude got a cool new look, I was on the path to getting a spanking new cool blog skin of my own. Same designer. Same price (FREE!).
Well, after many design ideas, my favorite being represented here, the poor gal got much busier with work, real life family things, and most importantly...PAYING CLIENTS! No biggie. Money talks and it speaks very loudly.
We've exchanged a few e-mails back and forth, but I long forgot about the new blog skin for Andy Land and didn't really think of it again until making this post. So I suppose I don't really miss nor need a new blog skin here. This one seems to attract the same 19 repeat visitors every day all on it's own.
Anyway, this was very close to being "THE ONE". I was hoping to add my stand-up comedy penguin cartoon on the stage somewhere, and a few other little goodies elsewhere. For now and likely forever, this is all you'll get. I wonder what Tech Wench charges. I can save up a few pennies if I get the urge to personalize again in the future.
Believe me, there are more pics clogging up my hard drive. I'll be sure to share them all when I get the chance.
Both those designs are very cool for a skin but why not go for some skin in your skin and use the upside down chickas?
8:23 AM
I'll sleep on it and see if they work out.
8:26 AM
Is it too late to vote? I like the martini one, myself... very cool...!
(Still watchin' the mailbox)
10:50 AM
I'm still trying to figure out guys and the 'school girl' thing LOL
I too like the Martini glass
7:54 PM
Nothing to vote on, Sue. I was just showing you pics of things clogging up my hard drive and explaining why they never saw the light of day until now.
And yer freakin' penguins went in the mail already! They'll be there some time this week. Zeesh. LOL!
Kim, you put on the school girl outfit around me and I'll be happy to explain it all to you in very graphic (and thoroughly satisfying) detail. ;)
Think of it as "I just love a man in uniform", only for us it is, "I just love women in a shool girl uniform".
9:28 PM
Chicks in school girl outfits and cute undies are definitely more exciting then my pic of Siegfried and Roy. Even if S&R are so shiny, so plastic, have such exciting hairdos.
9:23 PM
Howdy Sacha! Very glad you could make it over here. I am hopeful many a visitor has come by to remind you how much you rock!
Either way, I love your blog and your photos. Thanks for not sending me bad karma for putting one of your pics on my crappy blog.
9:36 PM
Just a reminder...ONE image was for a potential blog skin and that would be the one with the theatre seats, stage , and the microphone.
The one with the martini was never going to be a blog skin. It was going to be the background for my column at Eklektikos. I just commented that it would make a good blog skin.
Neither of these things are going to happen. The gal making me the free blog skin has disappeared and the Eklektikos magazine not only doesn't exist any longer, it was never allowed to use Jonathan's artwork.
There is also nothing to vote on since none of these things are ever going to happen. I was just sharing some images of things that were going to be used for other things...that never happened.
6:10 PM
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