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Monday, April 20, 2009

El Rey Resort & Casino: Items Available for Trade

Even though there hasn't been much said here at the blog regarding the El Rey Resort and Casino, there has indeed been some movement regarding the research and the collecting.

If all goes well regarding some upcoming gigs I should be able to quit my day job by summer. Believe me when I tell you I am keeping my fingers crossed for this to happen. Not only because I need out of there, but because it would free up a lot of my time so I can start conducting thorough and necessary interviews with so many of Willie Martello's family members. I've really made some great new connections and I am hopeful to learn so much more than I'd ever imagined.

If all this happens I can surely get enough material together to write the book in the best possible manner. Truthfully, I believe this project will be with me for the rest of my life and I see the potential for a few books. There is just so much to say and so many stories to tell.

That being said, I've come to realize that my blog has gathered even more attention from some casino collectors, eBay sellers, and the like. I know this because one such person contacted me after listing an item online and apologized for finding my blog after the listing went up. I told the person it was no big deal as I already had the item in question, a $25 poker chip.

Well, I ended up bidding on the item anyway, not throwing up as high a bid as I would have if I hadn't owned this already, but tossing out a number in the hopes I could get the item at a decent price. It wasn't being bid through the roof so I figured at the very least i could drive the price up a bit for the guy who was nice enough to contact me and tell me he'd let me know in the future if he clears out of any of his other items.

You guessed it. I won the chip. Now I have a second one and I REALLY don't "need" it, which brought about an idea. I can post some of the duplicate items I have available and perhaps find someone willing to trade for the things I have. Most who know me know I am not interested in selling or reselling any of the El Rey items I find (unless it helps fund this project in a manner I cannot do myself) so trading seems like a great idea. Some of these items are quite rare and possibly quite valuable to the right collector.

Any inquiries or trade offers should be sent to me at You may also contact me by phone at 702-465-5604.

(Click on images for a larger view)

Searchlight Business Men's Association Stationery

I think this is a rarity and certainly something of value to a Nevada casino collector or just an old Nevada collector. The sheet features 16 names, a few of note in the gaming industry. Naturally, Willie Martello was the President of the organization. Surely someone out there with something I don't have would want this in their collection.

El Rey Button (Made by Opportunity Village in Las Vegas)

I've no idea if this is an item from the time of the El Rey or simply something made years afterward for some sort of city celebration. I am looking into finding out some of the history, but finding someone at Opportunity Village who knows the history of the place and their projects is rather difficult. Strange, since they sure seem to have a knowledgeable person to make media appearances all the darned time. Ah well.

El Rey Coasters

Not really "Rare" by any stretch so far as I know, but I do have more of them than anyone I know so my view may be a bit skewed.

I was planning on using the extras as giveaways with a special edition of my book. However if trading these can gather better goodies for me...all the better!

El Rey Ashtray (Blue, with Willie's Image)

I have several of these with varying degrees of quality. They're oddly more readily available than the amber ashtray and the ever-elusive metal ashtray, but they are easily the coolest of the bunch. Prices on this depend upon condition and I do have some in absolutely amazing condition!

El Rey $4.00 Gaming/Food Voucher

I believe this to be quite rare as well and I have more of them than anyone around.

This was one of the earliest examples of a casino "comp" I could find. I'm sure some savvy casino collector can tell me how wrong I really am, but since Willie was such an innovator this kind of cool gaming/food voucher in such great condition is an excellent find.

Again I plan on making this a premium with a special edition of my book. But if you have that special something I don't have...

NOT PICTURED (Still need to scan)

I have two original issues of the Searchlight journal newspaper from 1946.
I will be very hesitant to part with these because of the historic value to them aside from that of the El Rey. However, I will be making high quality scans for myself and reading all the columns several times to scour for information. If the right offer comes about from someone with an artifact I truly need more than I need these papers, they will go to a better home. These are very rare and very delicate. Serious offers only. Scans available by request.

El Rey Dice for possible tradeEl Rey Dice (Two Styles, Very good Condition)

As you can see, I have two duplicate sets of El Rey Club dice that feature the name on the "two" spot. Both in great shape, but not quite as great condition as the set I'm keeping for myself. I know...what a jerk, right?

In the middle is a duplicate set of the Christy & Jones El Rey Resort dice. These do not feature a painted serial number on the back and the serial numbers do not match. however, the dice are in damn fine condition are are certainly desirable to the right collector.

Any inquiries or trade offers should be sent to me at You may also contact me by phone at 702-465-5604.

Wanna know what you can offer as a trade?
To see my current El Rey wish list, CLICK HERE.

For a full listing of all El Rey items I own CLICK HERE.

Complete details of all my El Rey Research can be found HERE.



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