Yellow Book Report: Part One: The First Call
Last Wednesday I received my very first response to my Yellow Book Yellow Pages ad. I can say it was my FIRST call because until this year I'd never even been in ANY town's Yellow Pages.
Feel free to see my previous post about my ads and my reasons for never placing ads there before.
It was nice to get a response the same week the ad broke. It was rather encouraging, especially since I've been extremely depressed about my lack of entertainment work. My goal and subsequent streak of booking ONE event a month (to at least make me FEEL like I'm still an entertainer) will be coming to an end this month, unless something changes SOON!
The first call? [sigh] A birthday party...for a (get this) TWO YEAR OLD. Yep. Them pre-toddlers just LOVE comedians and jugglers.
When was this birthday party? [sigh] The very next day. Not that I wasn't available. I just knew the person would have NO budget. I quoted a VERY reasonable (extremely cheap) price for the event and hoped for the best.
The result? [sigh] "Oh. [pause] Really? [pause] Um...well I've got to call a few more people first, but I'll let you know. [CLICK]."
Still and all, it was a call in response to my ad. As the Mythbusters say, any result is a result.
I'm keeping tabs on how "successful these ads will be so when the salesman calls next year I can tell him why I will or will not be continuing my advertisement. So for those keeping score...
One Call, No Booking

"Entertainment - Family" Category:
No Calls, No Bookings

Labels: Andy Martello Comedian, Andy Martello Corporate Entertainer, Andy Martello Variety Entertainer, Yellow Book, Yellow Pages
Never drop your goals, just adjust them and you'll always be a winner. More importantly, you keep moving forward.
6:35 AM
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