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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

More About the Commercial

It all started around March 26th with a widely-published press release and subsequent release of my commercial. I am spinning plates all on RJR's dime. Yeah, yeah, big tobacco, blah, blah, blah. Politics and anti-smoking Nazis not withstanding, this is a big deal for me. The commercial is airing in several markets, most notably, in the Congressional Districts that are home to members of the House Committee on Energy & Commerce, most likely, the House Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations.

Since then it has been popping up all around the country and has been talked about at some rather cool places.

Cigar Weekly
, a magazine for cigar smokers with a vibrant readership and online community (I used to be a big participant on their bulletin boards) picked up the press release and was very excited to hear that a long-time CW member was the plate-spinner in the ad. Since finding out all about my little opus, they've released a subsequent article about the story, which is way cool if you ask me.

Also, the New York Times (that's THE NEW YORK TIMES) just ran a story about the commercial and RJR's objection to the proposed bill that would give the FDA jurisdiction over tobacco products. They even mentioned the commercial early on in the piece.

Kinda cool, right?

To watch the commercial (assuming you don't live in a town currently running it) just visit Keep your politics out of my blog, but feel free to act upon the plea and contact your Congressman if you agree with the ad's message.

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