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Thursday, March 20, 2008

I Won't Lie

I watch "Dancing with the Stars". It it kind of addictive. Makes me all misty watching some of these folks get out there and do something they've never tried before.

Come on, people! How could you not cry a little watching Monica Seles have her formal dance, be all girly and dancing with a pretty guy all dressed up?

You people have no soul.


Blogger golfwidow said...

I'm holding out for that new show where celebrities show their "secret talents."

7:25 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm holding out for Andy to outshine Wayne Newton's performance! (Andy: Secretly, you know you really want to Fox Trot with Monica Seles).

Hey, Wayne Newton was here in concert last week. The billboards had a photo of him sitting in a Corvette convertible looking over his right shoulder with Ray Ban sunglasses. See? I'm a treasure trove of ideas for your upcoming "Live" CD performance! :) GO ANDY!!!

8:58 PM


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