Busy Week, Fingers Crossed, Hopes High, Heart...Ready to Be Broken
Today marks the beginning of my six-day run at the River Palms Casino in Laughlin, Nevada. I'll be working during the day at the Houdini's and then traveling the 100 miles to perform the show. Once finished, I head back for work the next day. With the exception of Wednesday & Thursday (my days off from Houdini's) I'll make the drive in order to collect two paychecks for the week.
Naturally I'm hopeful that the drives are uneventful and the car runs smoothly. However I'm more anxious about doing well at the casino and being asked back.
If I do well and get in good with the folks there I could conceivably become one of the area comedians who works this venue once a month. I know it isn't much, but to be able to snag a good-paying gig once a month can do a lot to keep me from filing for bankruptcy. Even more important to me is that it can help get me in better with area talent agents and show that I am a professional with a good, bankable act. That would make life a tad easier, especially in the short run and potentially down the road.
I'm also hopeful that I can get a better spot on stage the next time I'm out there. The opening spot pays well, but the feature spot pays even better. You get the picture.
All this is meaningless if I don't get there and back safely and do a great job while I'm there.
I'm not too worried about the driving. It is essentially the same as a drive from Chicago to Milwaukee and I made that trip on consecutive days countless times. I just need the gigs to go well and get that reputation built a little stronger out here.
Plus, making this trek every day helps show the folks at work that I can be a reliable employee even when I'm booked as an entertainer. Making the effort not to inconvenience the store goes a long way when I have to ask for the next day, week, or month off for a gig.So please think positive thoughts for me this week. I know my problems aren't all that severe when compared to others out there in the blogosphere, but they are rather important nonetheless.
I also plan on spending time in Searchlight, which is conveniently on the way to Laughlin. I hope to have more El Rey Casino news to report soon. Regardless it will be fun to see Jane Overy of the Searchlight Museum again and visit my favorite little mining town.
Labels: Andy Martello Comedian, Andy Martello Variety Entertainer, ight, Searchlight, Searchlight Museum
I am confident that you will do well with this "foot in the door" gig. Just drive carefully. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
3:49 AM
The thing I hate about new gigs is that they are exactly like auditions. You know what I mean, I'm sure. But you've done it more than me and I know you'll handle this well. I'm sending you nothing but good mojo this week, Andy. Break a leg but not a plate.
10:33 AM
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