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Monday, November 19, 2007

Andy Martello - LIVE In Laughlin! Part Two: The Stand-Up & Juggling Set

A little fancy editing and you can see how the show actually started. I broke the clip up into two parts for your viewing pleasure. The first is the stand-up comedy leading into the juggling. The second is obviously the juggling.

Ignore the people wandering in front of the camera and the damn LOUD talkers seated too close to my camera. Just watch the damn funny comedy and tell people in your town how badly you need to see me work at your local club.

Part One

Part Two

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Blogger Bud said...

Just getting back from Cali. Thanks for posting tht stuff, Andy. Great fun to see you perform! I'll never forget the time you ate fire in the parking lot of Lou's.

6:07 PM


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