Leaving Las Vegas
Tonight I head back to the Chicago area for one last round of gigs. I will continue to take work in the Midwest and nationwide just as I have for all these years, but after this next little stint out there I'll be a more permanent resident of Las Vegas.
I do have a trip to Chicago scheduled for August 22 though. There's a Blues Brothers gig that the client is more than willing to fly me out for so that's all good. If I gather some more work for that weekend I'll be out there for a few days.
In any event, the plan for now is that I'll be driving back to Las Vegas starting on August 5th. A good friend of mine, Kurt, will be driving with me. He's been in need of a vacation and a long road trip seems to be right up his alley.Among the bookings I'll be working this trip is the National Mustard Day celebration, hosted by the fine folks at the Mt. Horeb Mustard Museum. I always have a fun time out there and April has already compiled a list of mustards for me to sample and mustards to reorder. See, I work this festival and I trade services for goods. I stroll for a few hours and do a show, they pay me in far too many delicious mustards and food items. Nice!
We've become great friends with Barry & Patti, who own the Museum. April even made them a cross-stitch of their sign for the holidays last year. It is proudly on display in the Museum.I already miss this place. The place has some great features. A huge kitchen that April has decorated with lots of our "kitschy" (formerly "useless") collectibles is one of the highlights for me. We have a rather large master bedroom and bathroom which is all festooned in PENGUINS! (Heh!). We recently purchased a lovely small table and chairs for our dining area. We even use it for dining and not for tossing crap.
I'll also miss being here. Even though I have no real employment to speak of, I have a great sense of calm from the experience. I know this is the right place for us. I love the mountains and the desert. I enjoy the people and the abundance of shops and services. This is our home now and I know we'll make it work somehow.
Labels: Mount Horeb Mustard Museum, National Mustard Day, National Mustard Museum
It sounds like you are settling in quite well... isn't it a nice feeling to know you've done the right thing?
btw - How's April liking her job?
Safe traveling!
8:45 AM
I was going to go to the Mustard Festival if I won the writing contest, which would give me traveling money, only I didn't, because I suck. I'll see you some other time when I suck less.
3:50 AM
Hey Andy!! Glad to see that things are smoothing out and that you feel good about the decision you made!! :)
3:52 PM
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