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Saturday, July 07, 2007

A Joke and A Plug

OK, I'll give the plug first. I know most of you don't actually read the whole thing (skimmers, all!).

Wanna hear me being interviewed on the radio? Well then take a listen to Growing Your Business on JULY 16, 2007 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. This is a most excellent business radio program offered online at

These fine folks interviewed me because...well, I'm not sure. I guess I'm a successful businessman and they want you to know all about me. :) Be sure to check out their MySpace page and tell them how much you'd like to hear more interviews with little old me!

I'll remind you later about this as I know that you are not only skimming my post, but you are terrible at remembering things, even though I give you loads of advance notice.

Next, I'm sure you were wondering how I fared on 7/7/07? I did actually buy some scratch-off lottery tickets after all. The results reminded me of a little joke.

A man had a startling dream about the number seven. In the dream he heard a loud voice repeating, "Seven...Seven...SEVEN!" When he awoke at 7:07 AM he noticed that the date was 7/7/07 and he decided the dream was a sure sign of things to come.

He went to his local race track, located on 7th street. He was very excited. The 7th horse in the 7th race was named, "Seventh Heaven". Immediately the man took out the $777.00 he'd been saving in an old Seagram's Seven bottle for the last seven years and placed it all on Seventh Heaven in the seventh race. He ordered a 7-Up and waited another seven minutes for the race to start.

Much to his surprise, the plan worked.

The horse came in seventh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ba dum bum.

8:34 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skimmers, ha! Must mean you're a skimmer. ;-)~

9:31 AM


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