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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

I Want to Go Home

I like making money here. I've no real promise of being able to do that in Vegas. I only have hope.

I like being in familiar surroundings. I'm only modestly familiar with the local area of Las Vegas.

I like the green grass and trees. I have to hunt down such things out west.

All that being said, I think I need to be HOME in Vegas sooner rather than later. I hate putting off "the new life" and leaving my wife behind.

However, until April gets a job (lots of interviews being conducted and resumes being distributed as I write this) I need to be here making a living. Once I get there I may never make a living again.

I know...everything will work out fine. I just would rather be telling myself that in Vegas rather than here.

Tomorrow, 3 shows at the Carol Stream Public Library (nice paycheck!) and then off to Hayward, Wisconsin to visit my sister and do a how at the Hayward KOA campground. Once that show is done...back to St. Charles for a gig at a Harley Davidson dealership.

At least I'll be working and making some money. [sigh]


Blogger Gordon D said...

Know the feelin' pal...there's part of me that says, "Gee, I wish I hadn't moved from St. Louis..."

But then, when I read the news from there (mostly same BS, different day), I'm glad...especially since the interviews have been increasing.

If I had contacts in Vegas, I'd pull out the stops for you and/or April - but you know what?

In my opinion, any day above ground is a good day.

8:43 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Yeah, and any day above ground in Vegas is better than the alternative. Lots of people spending the rest of their days underground in vegas or so I'm told.

11:15 AM

Blogger Julie said...

Sorry you are feeling displaced. It's just a short time in the grand scheme of things. I think you and April are both very brave to make such a move. I play it so safe I have never really been anywhere!!

11:54 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please note we are now both in blogland at the same time ;-)

You'll get in the groove soon. But I also think getting back to Vegas asap will help resolve those feelings.

Glad you're making some moola though.

5:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Soon you will be together and things will fall into place... I'm keeping good thoughts for ya, Andy...

7:42 PM


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