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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Gigs...Kind of a Relief

I actually have a rather busy weekend with regard to bookings. I'm not making a fortune, but I'll be happy to have something else to focus on for the next few days. All this moving, disaster, storage, new home crap is starting to really wear me down.

Today I am working a show for a Naperville company for "Take Your Kids to Work Day". I've never really figured out the purpose of this day. It takes a kid out of school and slows down the productivity at the workplace. That being said, I'm always happy to be booked for such events. A lot of the companies around here have decided that bringing in some kind of entertainment is the best way to salvage some of the work day and I am thankful.

Sunday has me performing what will likely be my last Vegas Brothers show. I'd like to keep it afloat, especially since we're actually getting some calls for work. However with me in Vegas soon and the fact that it is nearly impossible to get everyone to return phone calls & do other promo along with me, I assume this weekend will be the end of Nicky Vegas. Maybe they'll discover a new Brother and keep it going, but who knows?

Monday I have a Bluez Brothers gig downtown and that is also a welcomed booking. Among the things I saved from the home for immediate use was my Bluez Brothers costume, anticipating gigs. I believe I have another BB gig in Lake Geneva on Tuesday. No contract in hand, but my calendar insists it is happening.

May 3rd I have a gig for the Woodridge Police Department. It is a real show, not a court appearance.

On the 4th I head to Phoenix, Arizona. I'm working some corporate gigs along with my good friend Travis at the Pioneer Arizona Living History Museum. This is significant because now that I'll be living in Vegas, a short drive from Phoenix & the Grand Canyon (two places that the owner has properties and gig opportunities for me), I am hoping to do well there and score a lot more work. If I can hit the ground running once I land in Vegas and have some gigs lined up that would be all the better for us. I'd like to meet some of the Phoenix area bloggers while I'm out there, but none of them have returned any e-mails. Ah well...I've got enough friends. lol

When I return from Phoenix I can look forward to a show in Villa Park. I am very grateful because May is not usually a busy month and this all couldn't have come at a better time. I even have more bookings in May. Sure all this will affect my packing and moving arrangements, but I NEED to do something other than worry right now.

That being said, even with some work lined up I still have to raise funds for the impending move. I know that I can borrow money from family and so on, but I'm trying to do as much as I can without having to pay anyone back. I've actually received a gift from a blogger friend (Thank yous will be personal and not public) via PayPal ( I am extremely grateful. I mentioned when all this began that I wasn't too proud to beg, but I do get a bit humbled when someone actually does respond to the begging.

The Martello Relief & Relocation Fund is always accepting gifts of a buck or two, but does not plan on begging a whole lot, especially since this post talks about some actual work I have in the immediate future. ;)


Blogger Webmiztris said...

I read "Thank yous will be personal and not public" as "Thank yous will be personal and not pubic"....lmao!

sounds like you're going to be busy, andy, which is great! good luck.

11:16 AM

Blogger sue said...

It always amazes me how someone in the "entertainment" field, especially humor, can carry on when things are so stressful in their off-stage life. You're amazing.

7:28 AM


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