Prescription Perspective
Not that I'm complaining, because it is helping me recover and all...But if one of your symptoms is an excruciatingly painful sore throat, the kind that hurts like hell when you swallow...Does it make sense to prescribe a pill that hurts just to look at it, much less try to swallow it? The salt pellets you put into a water softener are smaller than this one and I have to take these babies twice a day.
It will be worth it if I ever get back to 100%. Right now...not even close! As I've been telling all the nice people who've been kind enough to check in on me (thanks, by the way), I'm feeling better, but I'm far from "better".
That is one serious horse pill! Yikes!
Glad you are on the mend, although I'm sure it's slower than you would like...
5:51 AM
feel better, dude.
8:43 AM
So sorry to hear you are a sicko-- I mean so sick.
This is my first visit to your blog but I have been listening to Podcrapular, much to my enjoyment. Listening to your self-deprication on the show, I was quite surprised to learn that you are indeed a very good-looking guy, once I saw your picture on your blog, that is.
Andy is completely tasty. Spread the word!
8:54 AM
yuck! I've been sick all week myself...what did you send along with that dvd? lol.
I'm starting to feel human again.
you think that's hard to swallow...never mind, I'll keep my naughty little thoughts to myself. :-D
2:21 PM
Did you get the awesome couch medicine with codeine, or even better- with Vicodin. Hell that is almost worth getting sick for!!!
10:47 PM
Did I say couch medicine?? Well, I guess you will end up there if you get this COUGH medicine. We'll meet you on the couch baby!
10:49 PM
Hope your better soon.
8:06 AM
Thanks for all the well-wishes. I'm on the mend, but it is NOT going smoothly. Loads of crap being forced out of my system here.
Brooklyn Frank, thanks much for stopping by! It is appreciated. How'd you come to find this hee blog?
Annonymous, I'm happy you're liking the podcast and my ugly mug. Tell everyone how tasty I am and maybe I'll get some work someday.
Milf Bloggers, join me on the couch. There's always room for many a MILF on my couch. Just lkeave the damn kids at home. Just because you're MILFs doesn't mean I want your kids harshing my mellow. ;)
9:39 AM
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