Some Penguini History
I found what turned out to be the last of the Flying Penguinis in all the world a few years back, bought them all up, and distributed them across the land. As you know, I used to send out Flying Penguini Juggling Kits to people who would take fan pics and send them to me. I also sold a few at shows and the like. You may be thinking that this will be a post about how many those people who have received the precious gift of the Flying Penguinis no longer play around here and have crushed my fragile ego, but you'd be wrong.
Finding those kits was a dream come true for me because not only were they an item that fit in well with my marketing scheme at the time, but they were an item I'd wanted to own since I was about 14 or 15 years old and never could afford. They were never in my budget as a kid and by the time I could afford them they were no longer in production. Being able to buy hundreds of little Penguinis all those many years later was pretty damn cool.Now that they're gone I find myself reminiscing about the little buggers again.
I'm working on selling a lot of things on eBay. Not the least of which are issues of Juggler's World Magazine from my personal collection. While taking a stroll down memory lane and leafing through the magazines for the auction listing, I came across an ad from the Summer 1985 issue for the Flying Penguini Juggling Kit.

Given that I have sent so many of these all across the world, this ad seems very fitting. You can check out many of the greatest Penguini photos by checking out the Penguini Posse. While you're at it, why not visit their blogs and bug the hell out of them to stop by and visit! Heh!
Penguini crashed my brother's wedding. But at least they were dressed for the occasion.
8:57 AM
Cool, penguins ;-)
11:38 AM
The Flying Penguini Brothers were the first set of juggling beanbags I bought from Chasley. I still have mine.
I also have their Tossed Salad complete in it's original plastic salad box. I also have a set of the planets, I think it's earth, sun and moon in I think a wooden crate but I don't remember if it's Chasley and I don't remember if that is what they are. I think I may have one or two more.
They're all packed away somewhere along with a Chasley catalog of what was their line of juggling beanbags at the time.
I always thought they were so witty and amusing. I mourned when they went out of business.
I'm so glad you rescued the Penguini Brothers and spread their cheerfulness across the land.
I have Juggling for Dummies and another set of plain, boring balls to practice with. I haven't in ten years and never got very far. It's on my bucket list to learn to juggle. Maybe after I retire.
Then the Penguini Brothers will fly again!
10:55 PM
I still have my penguini, still have the can they came in and instructions. No, I never learned to juggle but love my penguini just the same.
Can you tell me when the canned version might date to? somewhere in early 80s?
11:14 AM
Definitely the early 80s, but I have no exact date.
10:27 AM
I am 15 and I found one of the only penguini sets on eBay today and I am delighted to have these little guys on my side to watch me fail and succeed at juggling. But I'm glad I now own a set
1:52 PM
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