What Happened this Weekend? WHO CARES? A New PODCAST Is Up!
We'll start off with a line incorporating a pop culture reference .
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The New Podcast is Here!
The New Podcast is Here!
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The New Podcast is Here!
The New Podcast is Here!
I do this because "pop culture references" are just ONE of the topics of conversation in the latest and greatest of the podcasts featuring my new steady girlfriend, (No really, we are. Read her blog to find out why.) Golfwidow.
Do you want to know what else we manage to talk about in less than 40 minutes? Here are just a few random samples for you (Phrases, subjects, etc.).
- Golfwidow's Book
- Fisting Kittens (or is it Kitten-fisting?)
- Diet Coke vs. Diet Pepsi (and a big up for Coke Zero)
- The New James Bond film
- Fisting Grandma
- Mr. Rogers Neighborhood (Be warned, there's a LOT of sick interpretations of characters in the Land of Make Believe)
- For Your Consideration
- The J. Geils Band
- Pretty much as many fisting jokes as one man can make

We've decided we need a new name for the podcast. Golfwidow just can't let me out of my contract and she's decided I must remain as a permanent fixture, thereby creating a need to change the name. We're currently taking suggestions from YOU! We may even come up with prizes to send out. Who knows?
What else? WELL...This week we debut our first "produced" segment, and we use the word "produced" VERY LOOSELY. The segment?
Lack of polish not withstanding, this segment will not only become a regular feature on the podcrap, but is destined go "go down" in the "annals" of broadcasting history as being one of the funniest pieces of comedy audio EVER!

I hope to have some time to listen today in the car if i can get it into my iPod without putting every podcast in the iPod. I also hope I'm inspired to submit a name. I'm thinking "Fisticuffs" at the moment. Fisticuffs with Golfwidow and Andy.
3:25 AM
It is officially in the submissions catalog. lol
Glad you listened. Thanks, Bud.
10:45 AM
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