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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Well Now I Might Just Have to See "Happy Feet"

I was planning on checking this one out when it comes out on video. However, now that I've heard the film is actually liberal propaganda disguised as a wholesome family movie, how can I not run out and buy a ticket?

This story, posted at a site called firedoglake, was sent to me by Eric of the Louie Louie Blog.

I always knew penguins were more progressive. They are the coolest birds out there after all. We've all heard about the openly gay penguins out there. I doubt those penguins are very conservative.

About the only conservative/penguin combo I can remember was when the religious right was trying to bastardize "March of the Penguins" and use it to reinforce family values.

Thanks to Eric for the link.


Blogger sue said...

Yikes! Who knew?

6:12 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i only saw about 20 minutes of March of the Penguins so far, but DAMN, that movie was cute!

8:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i only saw about 20 minutes of March of the Penguins so far, but DAMN, that movie was cute!

8:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i only saw about 20 minutes of March of the Penguins so far, but DAMN, that movie was cute!

8:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i only saw about 20 minutes of March of the Penguins so far, but DAMN, that movie was cute!

9:00 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

So now you've seen about 80 minutes of the movie, Dawn. How do you like it now?


9:57 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez....I told you that it was a liberal leaning film with a message and nothing, but someone with a blog tells you and you go and wax rhapsodic all about it. Tells you how important MY opinion is...

2:20 PM

Blogger Andy Land said...

What can I say? Bloggers know everything. You're just my brother. ;)

3:52 PM


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