This week will mark the 10th podcast by myself and Golfwidow. We seem to be gathering a few more listeners every week, and in theory, we get a little better at making this "compelling radio" stuff.
Well friends, we now have an "official" name for the program. After much deliberation we finally decided on "Podcrapular!" Why? Because the show truly is podcrapular. If you're not really good at something, but you somehow manage to have a lot of fun anyway, it is only fitting to make up a word worthy of describing your creation. Our podcast is podcrapular and therefore should be called "Podcrapular".
By the way, if I type the word "Podcrapular" just a few more times the spell-checker program on this blog will burst into flames. COOL!
Not only do we have a new name, but we received our first listener submission this week. Kungfu Kitten was kind enough to submit her very own dick joke to the program. Since dick jokes have become something of a staple of the show, she took it upon herself to share her own favorite one. With the realization that we have more than the few listeners we were already aware of having (Bud Buckley, Mom, D-Man...) and the excitement of being blindly sent some content to share with the world, we created the "I'm Podcrapular Award!"
You can see the silly little website award above. This trophy, a badge of honor really, will be sent to folks who have been deemed especially podcrapular by us. We will also be sure to pimp your blog or other websites on the show so people can learn all about your bad selves. You can do just about anything to get one of these things. Sending us jokes or other mp3 files, pimping out our show on your own blog, making us laugh - all are ways to get this soon-to-be coveted award.
All submissions should be sent to our new e-mail address, podcrapular@gmail.com. If you are sending an audio file, mp3 is the preferred format.In other Podcrapular news, we have established our very own Podcrapular site at MySpace.com. Yeah, yeah, I know that I said awhile back on the show that I HATE MySpace. So sue me. We're trying to use the available popular marketing tools to gain listeners and maybe one day, find people to spend a few bucks on our books...Say...Golfwidow's EXTREMELY entertaining book, "Getting My Think On" & other merchandise.
In any event, we have every intention of really using the MySpace page to move the project along nicely and we would love it if those of you with your own MySpace pages would add us to your "Friends" list. We'll be happy to do the same.
FYI - I actually OWN the book and it's great!
7:41 AM
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