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Friday, December 08, 2006

Of Course I Have a Video of a Backpack-Wearing Penguin Shopping for Fish

Well, I wouldn't have
this video

if I hadn't stopped by
Attu's new site.

I'm heading to Cleveland, Ohio for a booking today (Gig tomorrow, drive today). Since there's at least three opportunities for me to get crushed by lake-effect snow, I thought I'd post this penguin video instead of yelling at God for a good weekend. I'm hopeful this bit of fun works as well as my ranting prayer.


Blogger golfwidow said...

Holy crap, that was cute.

3:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was absolutely adorable!

8:52 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember what I wanted to ask you!! You mentioned something about McRibs in Chicago. Does Chicago have McRibs all the time? Because we get them for a month out of the year, but I might travel for a McRib. Alright, bye!

1:56 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well of course you have that video! I would expect no less ;-)

6:27 AM

Blogger Bud said...

That is the coolest penguin video EVER! Better than the movie, even.

6:33 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Did you...WANT the McRib for longer than that? EEW!

We get it sporadically like you do in most cases. however i have heard that there are some parts of he Chicagoland area that get it year-round. Can't imagine why in a land of high quality ribs ike Chicago, anyone would want that stuff. Must be the cocaine they put in the sauce.

4:41 PM

Blogger golfwidow said...

I like the McRib as long as I don't try to pretend it's actual barbecue. It tastes good. I don't know why.

1:10 PM


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