Cleaning House
Thanks to the following folks for recently adding me to their blogrolls or for mentioning me in their posts.
Welcome D-Man to my blogroll. He found me through Golfwidow and our podcast. So far as I can tell, he's quite possibly the smartest person in the whole world. He has also been kind enough to pimp out our podcast on his blog and that's just most excellent.
The Flirtatious Feline thanked me for sending her some contest prizes. I was just glad someone even tried to enter one of my contests. She didn't get the answer right, but she won. Why? Because I said so!
Jade thanked me for sending her a Christmas card. She don't come around much anymore, but I know she still cares about Andy Land. She's been busy at her new job, busy with kids, busy with the holidays - she's a busy lady.Ole Blue, Gordon, and Glenn Bishop are always linking me for various reasons and they are all way overdue for some blog-whoring and thanks. In fact, Gordon just recently did a little podcast pimping for us and he deserves a little extra linky love.
I also owe some thanks to the mighty Kungfu Kitten for so graciously accepting her "I'm Podcrapular!" Award and making mention of the latest podcast. She's a good winner to be sure.
Golfwidow's way smarter than me. She got me blogging in the first place.
But I can honestly say that I'm bigger than Jesus.
11:22 PM
Does that mean, the ladies take a look at you and then say, "Jesus, that's big!"
Thanks for the linky love and for listening D-Man.
11:29 PM
I plan to pimp Podcrapular in my next post!
and thanks for the kind words about my song. :D
8:37 AM
Thanks for the maximum pimpage, Dawn. Of course, you rock!
The song parody was very cool. No problem saying nice things about it. :)
8:51 AM
Well if you were not worth a damn I would not even link you in my blogroll. But, since you are damn good, I use you to make my blog look good. How does it feel to be used? ;-)
6:10 PM
Well, I'd rather it be one of my lovely blog lady friends that was using me. But this will have to do for now.
8:25 PM
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