Britney, Paris, & Lindsay Present...The Holiday Episode of FIND THE PENGUINI!

Speaking of Christmas,
you should listen to the
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I promise it will be everything you have some to expect from our podcasts. Truthfully, I am surprised you have had any expectations up until now. In any event, enjoy the latest program.
Before they put on the, eh, penguins, were they wearing panties or going al fresco? You think with a skirt that short they'd know better. In fact, it looks like Paris is about to play pet the penguin.
11:38 PM
I think they're just too worried about unsightly panty lines.
Of course, they may just not be able to remember where they left their panties.
11:42 PM
I am of the opinion that they left their homes wearing panties, but their crotchjaws actually ate them enroute.
3:08 AM
Yuck. Poor penguin.
6:06 AM
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