Oh Lord, What Have I Done?
Many people are finding my blog using the following search terms.
- hasidic jew halloween costume
- black suit costume ideas
- halloween suit bullet hole
- amish costumes for halloween
- retarded halloween costume ideas
- Office Halloween Costumes
I can only imagine the shock and horror when they end up reading this.

I just can't believe nobody has found this site using the term, "Retarded Monkey". Well...Not yet, they haven't.
Well never mind how they find it.Are they sticking around to read it.
8:33 AM
How are you keeping track of what search terms are leading people to your site?
11:46 AM
I use Statcounter as a hit counter and it gives me all sorts of useful info like that.
Hellbunny...I doubt anyone sticks around long enough to read anything if there are no naughty photos posted.
11:51 AM
Wait untill you start getting hits like, "Retarded monkey has sex with crazy woman while donky watches," from one of the middle eastern countries.
I get some weird ones from over there.
1:07 PM
Those are hilarious!
6:22 AM
Strange. I'm also using statcounter and have yet to convince the damn thing to tell me anything about search words that led people to my site. Ah well.
7:17 PM
Click on your project (your blog) then click on "keyword analysis", recent keyword activity", or just "came from" to see how people are finding the site.
11:09 PM
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