Hot Comedy. Cool Juggling.

Not all the photos from this shot were so ultra hip. There were some more "traditional" juggling shots with some hip Andy twists as well. I can't get enough of the martini bar photo part of the shoot. Of course I'll be sharing some of those other photos down the road.
Very hip pic.I love the b & w look with the dangly chains
12:51 PM
Many thanks. I'm mighty proud of it mysself.
1:12 PM
The Shoes! The shoes are just too cool!
2:52 PM
Yep. Standard issue when you're as cool as I am. LOL
perhaps the caption should read,. "Hot Comedy. Cool Shoes."
3:53 PM
OOOOOOOOOOOH!!!! I Love your shoes! I had a pair like that, only I had red flames! I think Jeff burned them in the fire pit, he's a Republican you know.
6:17 AM
And you still sleep with him? Geez!
You can see those shoes in person when I play Cleveland on December 10th. ;)
7:53 AM
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