Do I Want to Get Smacked?
So I'm rockin' this snazzy new blog template (Thanks again, Dawn!).
I do, upon occasion, have some good content.
I could use the traffic, even if it is from people who may think I suck.
So...Do I want to submit this blog for the fervent and potentially snarky (well, always snarky) review and commentary offered up by the self-appointed blog reviewers at mean, I am a needy entertainer and I crave the love and affection of adoring fans. However, I'm also a fragile entertainer and clearly can't stand any criticism, positive, negative, or constructive.
You see my quandary.I mean, if Gordon is confident enough in my abilities to proclaim me to be the NEXT "King of All Media" then perhaps there's no need to worry about what a few blog readers with attitudes (much like myself) think about my blog, which I often refer to as "craptacular". Really, do I care at all what people think about my blog or do I just hope people like it and use the thing to promote my various projects?
Some of you have been smacked by the it2m team. What say you?
Yep. I think I've blogged about both of them.
"Happy Feet" and FFarce of the Penguins" are the titles you're looking for.
8:39 AM
I say anyone who puts themselves out for a review had better be able to take the bad with the good.
That said, just make sure you check out any reviewer you submit to.
If you get someone with a clean credibility record, he's not going to hit you hard for anything you don't deserve a smackdown for, and you'll come away with useful information for improving your site.
If you get someone whose only agenda is to hand the burn without offering constructive criticism, don't even bother submitting to him or her.
10:06 AM
I haven't dealt with any such sites other than recently submitting my own craptacular blog to Technorati, but really - why not? The worst that can happen is that it won't attract any regular viewers at all. Otherwise, who knows?
I say give it a shot.
1:35 PM
They will let you know exactly what is wrong with your blog. I think they are more interested in style than content. They will probably just read your first two post.
Also, if you have to ask then do not do it! ;-)
1:44 PM
GolfWidow said it perfectly. Consider the source, you know?
They can be really nice and also completely scathing.
3:45 AM
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