Whatcha Watchin'?
It hasn't quite been a full month since I got all my new videos uploaded at my promotional website. However, this being the start of a new month I thought I'd take a look at the stats and find out what has been the most popular of the media files.
Not surprisingly, the plate-spinning videos, particularly the brief clip from the Bozo Show and from Potowatomi Casino are the most watched. Next would be my promotional overview of the plate act and then the video illustrating how the act can be used as a corporate training aid. Since "plate-spinning" and "Bozo Show" are also among the keywords most often used to find my site, it is good to see that those same things are attracting folks to the videos.
The other juggling and variety segments seem to attract a goodly amount of attention, presumably from jugglers as well as prospective clients. However, I've got no kind of Chris Bliss-like frenzy happening. Heh!
There's moderate traffic to the stand-up videos, but I trust more people will click upon them when they are looking specifically for a comedian. I am glad to see good traffic for the Reservoir Dogs video. I've wanted better video of that online from day one and now that it is there, I'm hopeful it will add a bit of new life to the bookings.
What surprises me is that so few people have watched the fire-eating act. Granted, there's not a ton of fire-eating on the clip, but generally the dangerous stuff is the most memorable in the live shows. It seems odd that they are not as big a deal online. More have watched the stand-up comedy about the fire act than the actual eating of fire. Interesting.I also notice that relatively few folks have found the Suicide Hotline recording. I don't mind this at all, as that was included as a little "Easter Egg" style bonus for people who visit this blog. You'll find it on your own time, if you haven't found it already.
What does all this mean? I've got too much time on my hands to waste online and not enough work. So send people to my website & videos and get me to your home town. ;)
Obviously I have not spent enough time on your blog, as I have not found the "egg"... :((
8:39 AM
The egg is a metaphorical icon which intails the innermost...um...er...say, what's for lunch?
10:26 AM
lol! I feel special because I'm in on the secret! nyah nyah!
10:55 AM
That's why it's called an Easter Egg, Sue. You have to hunt for it.
Of course, this is not at all a well-hidden secret. Shouldn't take too long at all to find.
Why let SoNnY Vegas in here? Did the prisons finish their softball league already?
11:00 AM
This is as cool as reading the comics under the covers with a flashlight and jammies with the feet in them!!!!
12:47 PM
Security! Can we get this man escorted out of here? I thik he's the guy stalking me.
1:38 PM
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