TONIGHT'S the NIGHT! A Message from Nicky Vegas
My friend Nicky Vegas wanted me to post this here. I apologize in advance if he offends anyone (or gives them crabs). I'll do my best to clean up his comments a bit.

If you happen to be in Rockford, Illinois today and would like to check out a kick-a$ show, you simply can't go wrong with...
Sure, Ted Nugent is playing that same evening on a different stage, but
A) He's an a$$hole (that sometimes plays some rockin' music, in between spouting Republican bulls-hit and
B) His tickets are WAY more expensive than those for...

On the Waterfront Festival.
How much is that? How the hell should I know! Why not do a little homework and go to their freakin' website yourself, ya drunk ba$tard!
That fudge stain Andy Martello will be there running our video camera & selling t-shirts for us. If he doesn't cry like a little beach when we give him a swirly in the Drop-A-John we'll even bring him home after the show.
Did you promise any of the drivers that stopped for you some "favors"? They'd take you out of the rain in no time if you bring on the goods. Plus, after that they won't ask you to pay for gas.
9:58 AM
WAIT! Did you just say..........The Vegas Brothers? HEY! WHO NEEDS TO WATCH GEORGE CLOONEY ANYMORE IN "OCEAN'S 11". Just one request Andy. Can you get Julia Roberts? Oh come on dammit! Just one show! lol!
12:42 PM
I heard that Nicky Vegas already "had" Julia Roberts.
1:36 PM
Hope you (I mean HE) had fun!
6:48 AM
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