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Monday, September 11, 2006

Ten Things Tuesday: Anagrams for "Tales from Andy Land"

Just a few drawn from the Internet Anagram Server. I may go to this well again someday!

Punctuation & commentary was added for comedic effect.

  • FLY SNOT - A DREAMLAND! (Right next to Epcot Center)
  • FLY A STANDARD MELON (Because those new-fangled melons are just too complicated.)
  • DENY A SMALL FART, DON (Something my dad, Don, did often)
  • A DOLL MENDS ANY FART (Stick this Barbie up yer ass. That'll solve the problem!)
  • A DART FALLS ON MY END (It happens. Must have been a bad throw.)
  • A DART MAN ENDS FOLLY (This will be the title of my post after the bank denies me a loan to buy the King of Darts store in Streamwood.)
  • DAD FELL. MANY A SNORT (What can I say? he was a big guy. Fat guys falling down are just funny, especially if the fall from the force of a good fart...which dad denied making.)
  • FADS TOLL MANY A NERD (They really do. Nerds have no idea what do wear.)
  • MALLARDS DENY A FONT (Stupid mallards! I wasted to use Helvetica. But Noooo!)
  • A MANLY OLD NED FARTS (You GO, Ned! Fart 'em if you got 'em.)


Blogger golfwidow said...

Hoeing puns. I mean, oh, penguins.

4:09 AM

Blogger Spook said...

My own blog (geekspeak) comes up with "Pa, seek keg"

7:24 AM

Blogger sue said...

OMG... I gotta go there!

8:43 AM

Blogger Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Great! Now I have something to do today! ;-)

Those are really funny!

9:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol! "DENY A SMALL FART, DON"...that one KILLED me!

12:22 PM

Blogger Bud said...

Yeah, I always loved that site. I think I used it once ina blog. It's disturbing at times, though.

3:02 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Farting killed the radio star....

5:29 PM


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