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Copyright Andy Martello, All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Oh Boy. A Dentist Appointment. Great.

So I've got either a piece of tooth missing or a chunk of filling missing. Either way I felt it necessary to make an appointment for today and see what's what. I don't really have the cash for whatever is required to fix the problem, but that'll work out somehow. I'd much rather be sleeping.

Thanks for all the kind words and positive mojo. I did get home safely and got to my late night gig just fine. I'm going to withhold complete anger about not receiving my check until a time when it seems as though I WON'T get it. I've worked with these folks before and I've no doubt the cash will come. I'd have just preferred it came when it was promised.

Funny thing about this run of several two-gigs-a-day days...Nearly ALL of these gigs were ones where the check is coming later. "Net 15" or "net 30" situations and so on. The difference between the others and the Toledo thing is that I knew and expected the cash from the other gigs to come later. It is just odd to work 10 or 11 shows in a week and have nothing to show for it right away. Ah well, I'll be wealthy in a couple of weeks.


Blogger Bud said...

I hate those arrangements unless the money is coming through the booking agent. Then I have some assurance. I hope your tooth situation is fixed painlessly and not too expensively. Which is the same thing, I guess.

4:18 AM

Blogger sue said...

Good luck with the ol' tooth doc today, Andy!

5:56 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hopefully they'll read your blog, feel shitty and send your money ASAP. :D

9:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

UGH the dentist. Hope you feel better soon.

And I totally understand about earning the money and not seeing it for weeks. Sucks, doesn't it?

3:54 PM


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