Belated Sorrow
I am not sure how I missed this one, but back on July 3rd, a fellow performer, a kind colleague, and a significant part of any Chicago area kid's childhood passed away.
Claire Newton, wife of Bruce Newton, and co-creator of Chicago TV icon, Garfield Goose, died at the age of 78.
For those of you not from the Chicago area or the Midwest, Garfield Goose was as big a deal as Kukla, Fran, & Ollie, Howdy Doody, or any other TV puppets you can recall. The self-proclaimed King of the United States (Garfield Goose) was beloved, funny, and a great TV star. Garfield Goose and friends appeared on WGN Tv from 1952 to 1976 and the Newtons continued to make live appearances up through this very year.
I worked with Bruce & Claire a few times over the years and they were always extremely energetic and friendly. Claire was quick to dispense the hugs and even though she had the appearance of an overly made up grandparent to most of the youngsters, the hugs were always happily returned.
I was always afraid to hug Claire because she seemed so brittle for such a vibrant and active person. I swear I heard her creak every time I had occasion to hug her. Never the less, she would hug with all her might and wouldn't take "NO" for an answer.
She and Bruce made over 150 live appearances a year at festivals, schools, and just about any event. There was always music, juggling, bad jokes, and of course, the highlight of the show, Garfield Goose. Bruce and Claire created Garfield along with many other great puppets from Chicago's TV history, but few could get people's faces to come alive like Garfield Goose.Back when April & I were dating, she accompanied me to a very lame little festival. She found a sunny patch for which to read and decided to wait out my performance time rather than try to have any fun outside of my show. It was a TINY fest with few games, rides, or attractions of any kind.
As I was finishing up and about ready to exit the grounds, I noticed that Bruce & Claire were arriving and setting up their stage. I hadn't seen them in awhile and I was happy to see them still working.
Jokingly, I asked April if she wanted to meet a celebrity. I figured she was too cool or too young to even know who the hell Garfield Goose was and would appreciate the joke. When she asked who was at this lame festival (other than me) I told her, "Garfield Goose", and she sprung up from her chair eager to meet the King himself. I couldn't believe how happy she was at the thought.
I introduced her to Bruce & Claire (Claire pounced on both of us with big hugs all around) and they chatted away as if we were all old friends. Before too long, I asked Bruce if April could "meet" Garfield. I expected him to bring out the puppet and have a few stories for her, let her touch the thing, and that would be that. Instead, Bruce let her "MEET" Garfield.
There he was, beak, crown, and all. "Alive" as can be and carrying on a conversation with my fully grown adult girlfriend. Claire & Bruce carried on as if April had stepped into a routine from the TV show. April asked if it was OK for her to hug Garfield and indeed it was A-OK with His Royal Highness.
Soon afterwards, we said our goodbyes and April smiled all the way home.
She got a little embarrassed in the car afterwards and meekly said, "I just hugged a man's arm". I'd tell her she actually hugged Garfield Goose and that got rid of the embarrassment. April also commented on how she was certain when she hugged Claire she distinctly heard her creak and I just laughed.
To this day, April will talks about that day. She also believes that of all the things we've done together and people I've introduced her to, meeting Garfield Goose is among the most impressive.
That was the last time I saw either of the Newtons. When I heard about Claire's death I couldn't stop thinking about that day and all the other times we worked together. I remembered they sent me a hand-drawn Garfield Goose card after our very first meeting, telling me how nice it was to meet me and work with me. Unfortunately I don't have the card anymore, but I will always have the memories, which is really more important.
You can see a great clip of the Garfield Goose program at the Museum of Broadcast Communications website. You'll have to scroll back a page, but it is there.
I love that April hugged a man's arm. I would've, too.
That reminded me of a story Jim Henson used to tell, of meeting a little girl. The girl's mother asked him to show her how Kermit worked.
Henson was always very kind of, cautious, about not spoiling the magic for a kid, so he didn't want to say, "I'm a puppeteer", nor did he want to lie to her, nor did he want to thwart the mother's ideas of parenting. He put Kermit on his right hand, held the sticks in his left hand, and had Kermit talk to the little girl. He talked to her in his own voice too, so she wouldn't get confused.
Later she came back to him, dragging another kid. "Look! We can meet Kermit here!"
"Who's this guy?" the other kid asked.
"Oh, he just holds Kermit up," the girl replied.
3:32 AM
Great story! Makes April feel a bit less "pathetic" for hugging a man's arm.
Was watching that clip on theMBC site yesterday. Damn I miss shows that simple & sweet.
2:23 PM
Goose? Penguins? Man, this blog is going to the BIRDS! What next.. a duck?
Actually, I thought this was a sweet little story, and I had to check out the archival video clip.
In the SF Bay Area, we had a children's show called CAPTAIN SATELLITE. It was an excuse for the local weatherman to dress up in a cool astronaut suit and show cartoons for the kiddies. I used to watch that show all the time when I was a young 'un!
It's always cool when children grow up and meet the folks that inspired them! Nothing wrong with hugging a puppet!
2:43 PM
There's a lot of excellent videos at that website. The Museum of Broadcast Communications here in CHicago is among my favorite lesser-known treats. I try to send folks out there as often as possible.
6:29 PM
Andy: So sorry to hear about your friend. I think you were lucky to learn from her and I must say, April sounds very cool and supportive! Very rare my friend! Keep pluggin away and hope you fill up that calendar with performances!!!!
12:45 PM
Thanks, Michael. Summer's closing so the calendar thins out a bit. But I keep pretty busy for someone nobody's ever heard of before.
1:37 PM
What a sweet post, Andy. Here in central Iowa we had Duane Elliot and Floppy - he was a dog. What a thrill it was when they came to our very small town celebration and the kids got to meet him and get his autographed photo. He was such a nice man and I always treasured the time we had to meet him.
People who entertain children have to be very special people... oh, yeah... like YOU. :)
6:47 AM
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