What's That? Did You Say, "The Vegas Brothers Are BACK!"

Don't ask me why I've not had a lot to say about The Vegas Brothers of late. There are many long and maddening stories I could tell, but I'd rather just forget them and hope this is the start to better days.

A somewhat abbreviated show, featuring Lance, Sonny, & Nicky Vegas ( Bobby's running from the mob & Shecky's in jail...Or is it rehab?) will take the stage at 8:00 PM and 9:30 PM. Shows are about one hour in length and promise to be fun-filled, swinging good times.
I think I may start billing myself as "the future mother of Nicky Vegas' bastard - I mean, love child." It just sounds so ... trashy. I've always wanted to be trashy.
6:56 AM
Oh, yer already plenty trashy, hun. Count on it! That's why yer on my list of future ex-wives.
4:49 PM
Yup, that Nicky's a doll!
7:41 AM
Maybe you should see about getting me booked there first. If it works out I'll put in a good word for the Vegas Brothers.
7:59 PM
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