LONG OVERDUE, New Videos Are Up
While I desperately need to update several things about my main website, one thing that has been needed damn near since the very first day it was up was improving the quality of my videos. The videos play as big a part in selling the act as any other part of the site. You may have seen some of the lower resolution versions of these clips at Stickam.
Thankfully, my website is extremely well traveled and does a very good job at selling the act, regardless of the quality of the videos. Now with the shorter clips and the more diverse examples of what I offer I am confident that the act will sell even better.
There are a few clips on the site that are just better edited versions of the previous footage, but for all intents and purposes, everything is a whole lot fresher, funnier, and easier to watch than before. These clips were all chosen and edited by me. The last ones were edited by my web designers and even though they have sufficed for all these years, they were not ideal representations of my work.
I got rid of the old Real Player clips (nobody is using Real Player anymore) and replaced them with streaming Windows Media Player videos. Everything has a uniform look and a slightly more produced look. Some of the video & audio quality is not as "perfect" as I'd like it, but it is a BIG improvement. Plus, these are all the same clips found on my promo DVD, and on gig referral websites where I am listed.It is just another step towards making my act more accessible and more "bookable". There are many better jugglers out there. I've forgotten more tricks than I remember, but the videos show a very funny, skilled, and polished professional and that's of paramount importance to me.
Once again, thanks to the Show Business Gods for bringing about a busy summer and the funds to make these necessary improvements. Perhaps by this time next year I'll have a whole new AndyMartello.com to talk about. Maybe even sooner.
Hiya Andy! Well, here I am in Texas. gimme a holler if you ever get out this way.
6:44 AM
send me your stuff, man! I'll give you a quote... No pressure. :)
9:40 AM
That's a very cool video, Andy!
8:59 AM
Thanks, Bud. That was my first real project when i got this computer. I made that thing on Windows Movie Maker, which, did a pretty good job all told. I'm now working with Vegas Video and loving it even more!
11:14 AM
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