Hell Yeah!
I've mentioned that with the influx of gigs I've been reinvesting any post-bill surplus into the business, something I don't always get the chance to do. Wednesday was all about that important investing into my hopeful and continual success.
I finally set up an account at Streamhoster and uploaded my new videos. Soon I'll have new streaming Windows Media Player vids at my main website, which is LONG overdue to say the least. You can see the same videos in lower resolution form at Stickam, and I plan on having links to them from my main site as well so the viewer can have some options.
I also managed to get my ad placed on a slick new booking referral site called Gig Salad. I've been wanting to sign up for this place for some time now and I just haven't had the cash to get the listing I wanted. Gig Salad is similar to another referral site, Gig Masters. I've gotten quite a lot of work from them over the years and this new site promises to bring on even more. Check out my new profile page.
Normally, I'd spend all extra cash on the selfish, the frivolous, and the wholly unnecessary. I'm obviously growing in the responsibility department by thinking through my bill situation and reviewing my business needs. This being said, all work and no play makes Andy a loser fuckwad. So today I bought myself a little present.
On August 13th, one of my few days off in the next couple weeks, I will be heading up to Milwaukee to watch a concert by...
I may not have mentioned it here often enough, but I am a HUGE fan of Joe Walsh. Joe is among my favorite guitar players, singers, & entertainers in general. To me, he has always been the human inspiration for the Floyd the Bass Player character in the Muppets. He's funny, intelligent, & capable of living the rock star life to the extreme. He's also very funny, which is always a big plus for me.

The James Gang made a few surprise appearances on the Drew Carey Show, which always made me happy, though I yearned for a real concert. They had a couple of special performances at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame some years back and I couldn't get tickets under any circumstances. For me, getting to see Walsh back with the original James Gang is akin to being able to see Cream reunite, something I also missed. ;)
April & I heard about this tour and I vowed to see the show. Sadly, when the tickets went up for sale, two problems arose. First, we completely forgot about the sale date and the show sold out almost immediately. For several weeks not even a single ticket would come up on eBay or at any ticket broker locations. The next issue was that we were both so broke (Remember all the tales of financial woe I've shared this year?) that even if we had remembered the tickets were going on sale, we couldn't have bought them. It was some time before we even would have had the cash for a broker price.
Just the other day, after weeks of DAILY & diligent searching on the part of my lovely wife (I'd had resolved to the fact I was going to miss this show) some tickets finally came up for sale. They were certainly higher than face value, but considerably less than the cost of an Eagles ticket. More importantly, they were happily in the "once in a lifetime, well worth it to me, and still quite affordable given all the gigs I've been working lately" price.

I may not be well off and I'm certainly not so busy that I'm debt-free, but for right now, life's been good to me (so far).
I always wondered why I liked Joe Walsh so much. I figured it was because he had a really good tuna casserole recipe. (He does. No fooling. If you like tuna casserole. It's awesome.) But really it's because he inspired Floyd, who is one of my favorite non-Sesame-Street Muppets ever.
I must admit, however, to not really liking the Eagles very much at all. I think it's Don Henley's fault.
2:33 AM
I used Gigmaster for about 6 months. Got two gigs out of it and they never credited me. It was more time consuming to bid the jobs than it was worth. Also they don't cover my immediate area well at all. The places I want to play use established connections, anyway. I'll have to check out the other one you mentioned, though.
I fixed my response thing, I think.
10:24 AM
I was VERY impressed by your Gig Salad profile. I still wish I could come up with something to hire you for...
I, too, like Joe Walsh. And Floyd.
11:13 AM
Watch your mailbox. :)
11:14 AM
Gig Salad sounds cool, I'm about to go check out your new profile page.
As for being responsible, well it's a necesary evil. But SO worth it when it all pays off!!!
11:17 AM
I've no proof that he inspired the Flyd Peper bass player character. I just think the similarities are too funny to be merely a coincidence.
Bud, Gigmasters is worth it if you maintain your profile occasionally, but are diligent in responding to inquiries. I've been with them for years now. When I started you paid a small commission if you booked a gig. Then it turned into a small fee to bid on a potential gig, based upon a percentage of your fee. Now they just have you pay for a membership level. In the 5 or so years that I've been listed there I've more than paid for my memberships and the people are finding me from all over the place, not just locally. Plus, it bringe my name up in the search engines that much more.
Gig Salad is brand new, but I've been interested in them from the beginning. I just now had the chance to sign up for the lifetime membership (a steal if you plan on doing this for a few years. I've done a little homework about the agency running the site and it all checks out and seems like a worthy investment. They have a few more bells & whistles than Gig Masters, but I think it would be beneficial to be a part of both services.
Sue, just pass my name around. If something comes up, great. Maybe there's a comedy club near Ames or something.
Lisa, AMEN to that!
11:47 AM
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