I'll be hooking up my DSL. If it goes anything like the last horrible time I tried to get DSL around here, this will be the last time you hear from me. If it goes better, I'll be around, but too busy to talk to you freaks because I'll be downloading so much porn.
Either way, wish me luck.
Good luck with the porn. From what I hear, high-speed is a good choice for you. Oh!
4:14 AM
Damn. Now I'm jealous.
Oh, and golfwidow... too funny!
8:26 AM
Great it'll be nice to hear from you again!
1:33 PM
Bud...I still can't access your comments. Something about how your Haloscan is configured I reckon. IN the Blogs where the Haloscan window address comes as "javascript:HaloScan('115228661800784519');" , which is a copy from your exact blog, I get no window to open up.
In the blogs where the address comes up as an actual address, like this one from Sue, "" I have no problems at all. That's about all I can figure out on my own.
9:03 PM
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