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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Just Trying Something Out

I was going to make a nice long post about why I'm actually kinda cool with having few friends. There was going to be stories about my upbringing, conclusions about how I can really only rely on myself and not friends, and a long diatribe about how people only read into what I say and not actually listen to what I say. Instead, I have decided to make an attempt to embed a video of me from Stickam.

In case you didn't watch it yesterday (or ever), here are a few segments from my comedy routine about what it was like being a clown.


Blogger golfwidow said...

When I was a tiny kid, I was shocked the first time I got up close to a clown and he was made up to be smiling, but his actual mouth wasn't smiling at all. I found that a little depressing.

Kids who are brought up to "express themselves" by being rude are setting themselves up for some fun the first time they go looking for work after graduation and point at their interviewer, saying, "That's not your real hair."

3:06 AM

Blogger sue said...

Sorry. I hate clowns. Nothing against YOU, personally. I happen to like you. I really do. I even like your comedy. I just do not like clowns. However, I would not tell a clown I don't like him. I would just smile at him politely and let wonder. I actually know kids who scream and cry around clowns, tho'...

I think I was more influenced by Stephen Kings' "It" than by John Gacy. Although, he was a decidely BAD clown...

7:16 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

If a clown has a painted smile on their face, you can bet they're going to be an awful clown, regardless of if you like clowns or not.

Theorhetically, a circus clown is supposed to be able to portray any emotion and the make-up is there to help accentuate the expression. If you have a smile permanently plastered on, then you lose the range of emotions that should be recognizeable to everyone. Clown theory. Does it get any worse?

Among the reasons I got out of clowning is that I got very tired of hearing about the people who hate clowns. Most people hate clowns, but I generally blame that on bad clowns ruining it for the good performers. There are a lot of freaks that wrongly assume clowns are loved by all and end up scaring the shit out of kids, creating even more people who hate clowns.

Plus, they're just annoying.

8:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Add me to the chorus of people who don't like clowns. The reason why is explained under "favorite posts... And would you like fries with that?" on my sidebar.

10:00 AM

Blogger Andy Land said...

Cool! Advevtures in clown porn.

10:05 AM

Blogger Webmiztris said...

I laugh at people who are afraid of clowns. :D

11:44 AM

Blogger sue said...

I'm so glad you got out of the clown stuff. You just don't seem the clown sort... you are MUCH better than that. :)

5:29 AM

Blogger Roxy said...

I just liked perusing the videos! Funny stuff!

5:23 PM


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