Come On, Parents! Get a Clue!
I'd like to ask everyone to stop giving celebrities so much shit for giving their children oddball or unconventional names. I know that it is easy to poke fun at a Pilot Inspector Lee or anyone else, but take a gander at your local phone book or do a name search online.There are WAY TOO FUCKING MANY people named Dick Johnson.
What the hell are you idiot parents thinking? DICK JOHNSON? I know, I know. You named the kid Richard and had high hopes he'd become a Rick or a Rich or even an Ed. NOOOO, somehow you ended up with a DICK Johnson. YOU created a person who essentially is named "Penis Penis". Have you ANY idea how many times your kid is going to get his ass kicked in school just for having that name? Unless you are 100% positive your kid will go into porn you are a complete asshole for giving your kid a name like Dick Johnson.This applies to all the Peter Johnsons of the world too. So please, morons - uh, I mean, parents...Take a little more time when naming your kids.
I'd take a million Pilot Inspectors or Moxie Crimefighters before I'd take even one more Dick Johnson.
Can't be anywose than Ima Hogg ;->
2:22 PM
Or Anita Dick.
3:36 PM
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