Anecdotes on Andy ala The Penguini Posse
Testing, testing… is this thing on? (Sorry, I could not resist!)
Did you notice what the date was today? 4-5-6 ba dum dum. Easy as 1, 2, 3, you see! I know, but wtf does it mean? Nothing. Serious. I just wanted to open up my guest post on the fantabulous Andy Martello blog with a bad one-liner to get you over the hump on hump day, today. ba dum dum. (No applause, puhhhlease)
Today’s lineup includes me, and later DB will grace us with his adored presence to fill in some of the gap Mr. Martello has left in the wake of his vacation.
I thought long about what I would splatter across the sainted comic’s electronic fodder space, and I came up with zilch. I would have kicked my feet up over the desk with a big stogie to think better, only none were to be found. I begged his own wayward children, The Flying Penguinis of Oahu for assistance. They just laughed and swilled down the rest of Kim and Jeffee’s beer.So instead of trying to capture bad juggling skills on video, or capturing momentous Penguini shots on film, I’m just going to share a little anecdote. Andy and us, we go waaaay back—even before blog. Ms. Moore, who used to write for, with, and about MBc, hooked us up with Andy some time ago. Marjo said in a sense, "I’ve got a friend." "He’s funny." "He writes." "He writes well and he’s funny." And there you have it six months later (give or take a few months for email tag), we hooked up via MBc and still goin’ a coupla years later via blog. Of course, he sends me things, too—that always helps! Marjo lied. Andy is hilarious and his writing, incredible! Ahhh, the memories.
Now Andy… get your butt over here to do some corporate hooha and give us a visit, would ya already!
Thank you all for your attention, allow me to introduce DB (like you all don’t know who the heck he is already!). DB has a few words to shout share while Andy is out of town.~BTude.

One of the best things I can say about Andy is that he enjoys his job, and really does bring a lot of happiness to audiences all over the U.S. I remember one of his commentaries about performing at a special needs school where he made an impact on a young boy,"In the grand scheme of things, I have a good job."~DB.
Marjo said in a sense, "I’ve got a friend." "He’s funny." "He writes." "He writes well and he’s funny."
Whew! I'm glad she finsihed the "I've got a friend, He's funny" part. Usually, when I say something like that I'm not talking funny haha,
I'm trying hard to envision Andy in Hawaii.
Do they make Italian cut Hawaiian Shirts?
3:57 AM
I'll find Barbie size aloha shirt and try it on a Penguini, first? ;)
4:26 AM
Oops, sorry I'm late. I was at war most of yesterday with my cable provider. It's hard to summarize our Andy but you two did capture an important part of his essence!
3:34 AM
Been thinking a lot about all the traveling I've done in the last 20+ years as a craptacular entertainer. Hawaii is on the very SHORT list of places I've not visited yet. There surely must be a way to get me out there for business AND pleasure. Hmmm...
Here I expected Christine and Doyle to write scathing remarks about my lack of submissions for MBC, my waning skills as a perfomrer, and lenghty discussions about how there's nothing otherwise "lenghty" about me. Instead I find some very squooshy and nice things to read about me!
I'm canceling that shipment of anthrax now. Of course I'm continuing with my shipment of Anthax CDs to Christine as she's a big ol'metal head.
11:08 AM
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