Random Notes
Thanks to Gordon for plugging my services. He's one of the good ones and I thank him from the heart of my bottom, or something like that.
May God bless and keep Helen Thomas with us forever and ever.
I'll be at the Mt. Horeb Mustard Museum performing at National Mustard Day again this August 5, 2006. Please someone come visit me so I can feel like a big shot entertainer.
My Ramshorn Snail died last night of mysterious circumstances. This is only a few weeks after the untimely death of my Ivory Snail. Anyone having any information pertaining to the demise of these beloved pets should contact me immediately. I offer no reward as these things die frequently and cost a couple bucks each, but I need to grieve somehow and this seemed the most appropriate way.Ray Meyer died this week. I met him and his son, Joey, at an event at what was then known as Ditka's Trackside at Arlington Park Race Track. I'd love to turn this into a Random Celebrity Memory type story, but I have no real story other than to say I met him and liked him very much. Both he and his son were very polite and friendly guys.
I DO have a photo of me with then Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer taken at that same event. So in lieu of any really cool Coach Ray Meyer anecdotes I'll share the Mayor Eugene Sawyer photo.
I have an appointment with my accountant tomorrow. Gotta file my taxes. Pray for me, if that sort of thing works for you. I'm already depressed enough about the way my finances are going this year, I am dreading the news tomorrow. Even though my taxes are generally no big whoop, I have nothing but dread for my life.
Thursday April and I will be seeing Queen + Paul Rodgers. I don't give two shits if you think that there is no such thing as Queen with another lead singer, Paul Rodgers is a PERFECT choice to front this legendary band on many different levels and we both can't be happier to know we're going to see a great band playing great songs, and being fronted by a great lead singer. We saw Rodgers a few years back doing a solo show at Taste of Chicago and this guy is every bit the rock god as anyone you've ever seen.
I'm quite sure the other random thoughts running through my head are quite torrid and not appropriate for this audience. So I'll stop now.
Labels: Mount Horeb Mustard Museum, National Mustard Day, National Mustard Museum
Give me silver, blue, and gold.
I'm not coming to Mt. Horeb unless they invite me and say, "We'd like to have you here to collect your winnings for that contest." (As if.) I'd make an exception for that.
Helen Thomas rocks my toesocks.
2:52 AM
Sorry about the snails, Andy. sounds like somethig environmental. Some kind of airborne cleaning agent that drifted into the tank? I once killed a beautiful parrot when my teflon pan vaporized. Long sad story.
6:02 AM
Come on out Golfwidow. Mustard for days! ;)
I'm looking into the causes, Bud. It's no big deal. Just a little sad.
7:31 AM
I'll stick with my old Free records thanks.
7:55 PM
Well if you just stick with the Free records you sure won't be listening for very long. Hope you've got the turntable set to repeat.
Paul Rodgers has such the great career and catalogue to sing. With Free, Bad Company, The Firm, even his lesser-known band, The Law, and his solo work, you've got a helluva rock god there.
Thatks for stopping by, Beer & Hockey. I'll check out your blog later. How'd you come to fiind thie ol' blog anyhoo?
10:59 AM
Quality not quantity is my motto. I have been listening to Free's "Heartbreaker" over and over again since shortly after England last won the World Cup.
If I had the slightest idea as to how to post a link I would do so. Looks like I have to write code. One day I will figure it out. I just figured out how to put up pictures! Yay!
I probably bounced by your blog by way of Good Rockin' Tonight.
It is pretty cool to know people from all over, even the city Hound Dog Taylor called home, read a paragraph or two of mine in the Dope City Free Press.
5:09 PM
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