A Good Day
Normally any day that requires me to be awake at 5:30 AM so I can be in downtown Chicago for a Blues Brothers gig at 8:30AM would not find me making any claims to having a good day. Today was a good day.
While I'll never figure out the mindset of a client that wants the Blues Brothers singing and dancing at 8:30 AM for a bunch of people who are just as tired as I am, I always appreciate the work. I can pay a bill or two this week.
After getting home, returning a few calls and e-mails and taking a much needed nap I found myself at day's end having to type up three contracts for new gigs, two of which are in early April, (a tough time to fill - YAY!) and the potential for about three more bookings in April. So THAT definitely made me a little happier.Lately, I haven't had a whole lot to feel good about with regard to the business. Today, coupled with the relative completion of my promo DVD project, was just what I needed. When thinking of something to post I remembered a nice thank you letter I received a couple years back. The little things make you happy in this business. Getting gigs when you need them is high on that list. Getting thanks is also up there.
The scans found here are from a nice handmade letter some students at the Leyden Special Education School made for me after doing a show for them. It is so cute, and you know I don't find most things kids do as cute. Leyden school does a great job of educating special needs children of all ages and they have been kind enough to have me out there a couple of times to perform.
A lot of performers won't even try to work for such groups. I like working more than not working so I take damn near all requests. With these groups I always try to provide the best show possible. These schools rarely have big budgets, the students can be very challenging to work for, and let's face it, some people just don't know how to act around these people. I just look at them as an audience and I do my show. Easy as pie so far as I'm concerned.Anyway, I thought I'd share these scans, tell a story or two, & correlate them to the good day I had. While I have your attention I may as well link to a column I wrote about performing for just this type of school, "Good Show". "A Good Day"..."Good Show"...Seems, uh...Good. I've been told by the lovely and infinitely more talented writer, Marjo Moore that this is one of her favorite written works from me. Since she knows way more about this stuff than I ever will I am proud to have written it.
1. I love that kid. Love.
2. Neither mummy nor cruncher. Origami. Years of "waste not, want not" training.
3. Change your Blogger Settings, Site Feed, to "FULL" so I can read you at work. My company doesn't like the word "pussy" in your intro.
2:09 AM
I love that story,Andy. That's just perfect.
3:44 AM
wow. You must have had chills after that. What an awesome story.
5:28 AM
Golfwidow, Settings changed and "total pussies" are now "total prudes". You should get me at work soon.
Thanks for the kind words, Bud.
Kim, it was way cool. The hard part now is getting people to beieve it actually happened. So many movies and sit com plots revolve around such a monent it wreaks of phony. I think there was a joke in a Simpson's episode about it. But it did actually happen.
9:40 AM
Well I'm afraid you do have a "lesser DVD", but that doesn't make you any less special. In fact, YOU were the first of my blog friends to receive the "lesser DVD" so in that regard, you are WAY special. LOL
Say the word and you can have the "Greater DVD".
Where's Doyle? He no come around here no more. I think he even took my link off his blog. Am I gonna have to come out there and kick his ass? OK, Am I gonna have to threaten to kick his ass from here, knowing that I probably couldn't even if I were there?
1:50 PM
I'm really glad the gigs are coming in for you, Andy. that's great.
6:20 AM
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