Random Celebrity Memories! Vol. Seven: Tai Babilonia & Randy Gardner
With the debut of "Skating With Celebrities" comes another useless celebrity memory from yours truly.A few years back I was in Chicago working a corporate event as a Blues Brother. I did my singing, signed a few photos, posed for pictures, and mingled with the crowd as always. This was a bigger event and there were several rooms of activity to entertain the people.
One room was boasting a sports theme and even had figure skating legends, Tai Babilonia & Randy Gardner signing autographs. April's grandmother is a HUGE ice skating fan and watches figure skating & ice dancing any chance she gets. She even has videos to watch when no skating in on TV somewhere. Hearing that these two were at the event I simply HAD to try and get an autographed photo for her.
Tai & Randy wee extremely friendly, nice people. They are both very "pretty" people, as you would expect. I'm not talking about just being physically attractive (but Tai is quite babelicious!), there's more of a grace and beauty about them. I suppose being professional figure skaters has that kind of side benefit for otherwise good looking people.
They were laughing at the prospect of the Blues Brothers coming to see them and they were actually showing humble surprise to hear that April's grandmother would remember them and want their photo. I guess they still can't quite accept that they have fans. It is kind of cool when you think about it. Are they the most famous skaters of them all? No. Are they names you should know with a reputation for excellence? Definitely.
While we were talking to them, some people came up to me & my partner to ask for our autographs. I'm always amused by this because we make absolutely no bones about the fact that we are NOT the real Blues Brothers. Something about not being Dan Akroyd & the late John Belushi that should be the give away there. Nevertheless, we always oblige.
The photo we use doesn't feature me as Jake. Another guy, who used to do more of the bookings as Jake is in the picture. Jim has thousands of these photos so we just use them, regardless of how many more Blues Brothers gigs I do than the other guy. To cover up the fact that I'm even more of a fake Jake than the fake Jake in the picture, I always draw a moustache and beard on the photo, which makes the whole experience that much more amusing. Basically everybody has done this to a photo of their own or some other pic in a magazine at one point or another.
As I was doing this, Tai & Randy were laughing at me defacing the photo. It became something of a fun moment for us as I explained why I did this little bit of photo graffiti. As we were enjoying a laugh, Randy started doodling over Tai's face on their picture. Tai saw this and started defacing Randy's image. Teeth were being blacked out, hair was being drawn under armpits, it was most excellent.I enjoyed this because not only were they genuine and humble people, but it seemed to me that after so many years of working together this was something that they'd never done before. They were really enjoying a considerably less formal moment in public than they'd been used to and they were liking the fun at the expense of their very beautiful selves.
I BEGGED them to sign the photo and let me have it for my wall. They were VERY hesitant about giving it to me as they didn't want to risk having this photo end up on eBay. I assured them that this was my own personal treasure and will remaining my possession until the day I die. I'm notoriously bad at organizing my memories and photos, but this one has a place of prominence in my house. I will not break their trust and post the image here, nor will I ever sell the photo, no matter how broke I get. The best you can get is the story, which is certainly cool, and I can recreate the photo they scribbled on.
Available at the Tai & Randy website are several photos of the pair. The one on my wall is actually a combination of two excellent photos. These two were a real treat to watch on the ice and were genuinely wonderful people to meet. I am hopeful that neither one would mind my sharing the story.
One of my friends has a bald uncle, and the other day she posted a picture of him online, with MS Paint-drawn hairplugs all over his head. I about died laughing. 'Course, with me, it doesn't take much.
6:46 AM
Awesome! I love to watch ice skating too, and it would have been great to have met them.
10:17 AM
My grandmother (April's GM) was VERY happy to have the photo. We bought a very nice crystal frame for it and she has it somewhere in the house.
Yep, the old black teeth and moustache tricks never fail to satisfy!
10:57 AM
Those are two very cool posts. I'm proud of you for not divulging the Tai and Randy pic. I know you're good for your word. I didn't know penn and tiller wnet to Ringling. You should see the new circus museum in Sarasota. Big time! Also the circus is trying to negotiate a deal to come back to Sarasota, but not Venice.
11:38 AM
Well, let me clarify. Penn Jillette went to Clown College in 1973 (I believe that's the year. May be 1974). Teller did not attend Ringling.
Penn's radio partner, Michael Goudeau also attended Ringling and he appears nightly in Las Vegas opening up for Lance Burton.
I...am here, but I have cool stories.
Wouldn't mind seeing the thing in FLA. Sounds cool.
11:46 AM
Cool memories. It is nice to find celebrities who are real (not like the aloof and unapproachable Andy Martello).
4:17 PM
This is an auto-response from the office of Andy Martello Enterprises, LTD.
Thank you for your recent fan mail, [insert name]. Undoubtedly, Andy would be very flattered you mentioned his name in a blog post, were he going to read it...which he won't. However, his people thank you for your support.
4:28 PM
Those are both good celebrity stories, especially the ice-skating one. It's nice when people in the public eye don't have big heads.
5:03 PM
Yeah, most of the celebrity stories I have are like that. I don't have many, but at least the ones I do have are pleasant.
5:42 PM
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