I Wasn't Aware of Penguin Awareness Day

She was kind enough to e-mail me with the news and that perked up my little penguin-lovin' heart. Sadly, I missed the big day. It was on January 20th. However, penguins being so damned cool, actually have TWO days out of the year to celebrate.
According to the site, WORLD Penguin Day is coming up on April 25, so be sure to mark your calendars!
Oddly enough, April 25th is also the birthday of my ponytail, which I've been sporting since 1987. I can't be sure if that is REALLY the birthday. I just remember starting this one two weeks before my Junior Prom and that date fits well.
So celebrate World Penguin Day and my long freakin' hair.
To show Jade my appreciation I've decided to "give her my Llama". In fact I'm going to give her my llama three times and she's gonna love the hairy bastard!
She's quite the Llama-lover and I have a few of cute photos taken at the Duluth Zoo back in 2005. What did you think I meant? Perverts!
Thanks, Jade. Enjoy your funky llamas!
Last year, I missed Penguin Appreciation Day and swore I wasn't going to do that again. I even made a note of it in my diary entry of January 21st to be sure.
So I forgot again. I so suck.
But I've checked. Hallmark does not make a card.
2:31 AM
Well you can put April 25 on the calendar and celebrate World Penguin Day to make up for it.
Don't sweat the card. I'm pretty sure you're more creative than the folks at Hallmark anyways.
8:42 AM
I'm so glad somebody finally came across with a Llama for Jade.
6:49 PM
Yep. Jade deserves a Llama. My Llama. LMAO!
9:52 PM
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